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Bonnie Benette sat Indian style on her full sized bed,with crimson and violet candles burning. Each candle dripping from the side due to the heat allowing their lovely herbal aromas to fill the air. It calmed Bonnie but most of all it allowed her to commune with the earth and the spirits beyond. And quite frankly after the sudden dissapearence of Klaus whom rumored fled to New Orleans,the young witch was not feeling very positive about her own strength. Bonnie beloved if she was stronger,if she was able to conjure more devastating magic than perhaps she could have stopped him. Perhaps she could have used that forbidden spell to stop that evil beings heart permenatly.

She cursed her own weakness and wanted desperately to achieve the kind of magic she believed she was worthy of. Bonnie closed her eyes before beginning a simple chant "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras." Over and over the young witch continued to chant these words hoping for a miracle. Slowly she felt the familar electric current trickle through her entire body ans exiting throughout her very fingertips. Suddenly one by one the lit candles died out leaving nothing its place but smoke. Swiftly the electricity seemed to radiate through her very pores before Bonnie's eyes shot open revealing nothing but the whites in them.

She gasped as images of who appeared to be a woman of middle eastern heritage. The woman trembled before the stern gaze of Bonnie's target and her own. The woman wore what appeared to be a black silk Sari over her head,hiding any of her features. Bonnie watched as the woman was violently shook by Bonnie's target who spoke harsh words to the woman. Bonnie could not see her face,but she was sure of one thing. She was crying. She watched as the woman spoke in a language Bonnie was not too fluent with. But she was sure it had to be some sort of middle eastern tongue. The woman continued to chant the words as lavander and onyzx hued flames erupted before swiftly enveloping Bonnie and her target.

Bonnie couldn't help but tp release a loud shriek as she batted at the flames. Even though she knew the flames were nothing but a memory of her target,Bonnie could not help but to release shrieks of pain. Her entire body erupted in pain,leaving terrible scarring due to the burns. She gripped onto her body,refusing to break the connection with her target. Only to witness the familar face of a friend she had met in New Orleans a year ago. The woman's middle eastern complexion and lovely hazel eyes was immediately recognizable to her. It was Isa,Isa Naifeh of the Naifeh Coven. And for reasons unknown to the young Bennett witch she was a target of the horrible Klaus Michaelson.

Bonnie felt Klaus's gaze falter to the ground,unable to resist the urge to roll on the ground hoping to put out the unnatural hued flames. Suddenly Bonnie broke the connection feeling an immediate sense of relief wash over her body. She slumped back against the headboard of her bed,with many thoughts racing through her mind. Why was Klaus after her friend? Where was Isa? And most of all was Isa alright? Bonnie bit her bottom lip in thought before deciding to use a locator spell tp traxck down her friend. But before Bonnie could even begin the simple chant,the gentle yet annoying buzzing of her phone vibrating somewhere in her room made its presence known. Quickly Bonnie rummaged through her room,before coming across her white covered Motorola X, laying underneath her bed.

She then swiped her screen to the right before noticing a unfamiliar number on her screen which she had received a text from. Yet the message made itself loud in clear of who it was. It was Isa but te message it held made Bonnie's blood run cold. "Naifeh Coven annihilated. Help." Bonnie's breathe was immediately caught in her throat as she reread the message multiple times,refusing to process this information. The Naifeh Coven,one of the most distinguished, one of the oldest and powerful covens had been destroyed? The very thought of that was unbelievable. The Naifeh Coven had access to magics far beyond her imagination. Even her grams when she was alive told her about this infinite coven.

How strong they were,how even vampires and werewolves alike fear their very name. She rememebered when sh was taught some basic spells from Isa. How enthusiastic she was to share her coven's many sacred spells with an outsider. But to Isa,Bonnie was no longer an outsider. She was a sister, a sister whom they had sworn they'd devotion to in blood. Bonnie bit her bottom lip before typing back a response on the phone before sending the message. "Meet me at Mystic Falls restaurant called the Grill. I'll be there. Okht" Okht meaning sister in Arabic,one of the many Bonnie's dear friend Isa had taught her. She prayed to the Goddesses above to watch over her friend. Because she knew more than anyone how it felt to be alone.

The Egyptian WitchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang