On The Charts

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Ban's POV:

"Oh my god! Have you heard the news?" Diane screamed excitedly

"What now Diane?" I rolled my eyes

"You know the singer Meliodas? He's gonna be joining our school!" She exclaimed

"Wait what? Really?" King asked in surprise

"Yeah! My teacher just told us. He's meant to be arriving today"

"I've never heard of this guy" I rolled my eyes again

"You haven't? Really? He's like all over social media at the moment" Diane said

I shrugged

"Don't use it much"

"Oh, he's this musician. He uploaded a video on YouTube of one of his own songs and it went viral. Since then he's joined a label and been on the news to talk about it. His music is really good" Diane explained

"He's probably terrible in real life Di, nobody is authentic like that"

"I'll send you some of his stuff! I'm sure you'll like it" Diane smiled

"I doubt it"

"Guys, it's time for class. Let's go" King said, ushering us to get up.

We reluctantly made our way to class, it was one of the few we had all together. Once we arrived and took our seats, the teacher entered not too long later.

"Now class, I'm sure you've all heard the rumours and I'm here to tell you that they are in fact true. Meliodas will be joining our school, and he'll be in this class"

The class broke out into excited chatter. I noticed Gilthunder looking extremely giddy as he spoke to Howzer.

"I know some of you are very excited about this, however Meliodas is joining us as a classmate, not a celebrity. I want you all to be on your best behaviour"

Gilthunder stuck his hand up

"Yes Gil?"

"Does this mean we can't bring up his music?"

"No. I realise that you're all excited, and nobody will focus on a lesson. So instead, I've spoken to Meliodas about it and he's willing to answer any questions you might have"

"So we can talk to him today, but tomorrow it's back to normal lesson?" Gil asked

"Yes, exactly. But I want you all to keep in mind that, yes, Meliodas is a rising star, but he's also just a normal person trying to get his education"

The teacher looked around the class before nodding.

"Now, whilst we wait for him to arrive, I want you all to read pages 35 to 45 in your textbooks"

We all pulled out our textbooks and began reading. I didn't mind, it was something to do at least. King, who was sat besides me, was quietly talking to me about our plans for after school.

Eventually there was a knock on the door. The entire class went silent, looking up in anticipation. Our teacher walked over and left the room.

A few minutes later he re-entered, a blond boy (who I assume was Meliodas) followed after him.

"Everyone, this is your new classmate Meliodas"

"Yo" he smiled, giving a two fingered salute.

The teacher told Meliodas where to sit and he took his seat. He was sat basically in the middle of the class, which is really dumb in my opinion. Like he's gonna be super popular, why seat him by the most people?

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 17 ⏰

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