Night Time

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Ban's POV:

"I thought Meliodas was joining us" Elizabeth mumbled

"You know what he's like. He had to run home like he always does" King said rolling his eyes

"That's not very nice King" Diane whispered

"He has a point though. Meliodas is always running off as soon as the sun begins to set" I agreed

"Maybe he's afraid of the dark...?" Elizabeth suggested

"This is the guy who will punch anyone simply because he wants to. I doubt he's afraid of the dark" King exclaimed

"......Ugh. Can't we just agree that Meliodas is weird?" Diane whined

"Yep agreed!" I chuckled

The next day

"So Meliodas" King started


"I thought you were joining us last night"

He shrugged.

"I got caught up"

"Doing what?"


"What is something?"

"Something that has nothing to do with you"

King sighed.

"You have a real talent for dodging questions" I chuckled

"Thank you for noticing" Meliodas said smirking at me

"Why do you dodge the questions Meliodas?" Diane asked

"Because I don't want to answer them. Simple as"

Elizabeth giggled.

"You really like your secrets don't you?" She asked

"Like what?"

"Well you won't tell us what was your previous school, why you moved, or even why you won't be out after sunset"

Meliodas shrugged.

"I like my secrets" He defended

Meliodas then tried to change the subject by asking how the movie was but King quickly flipped it on him.

"How did you enjoy whatever it was that made you miss it?"

"I had fun actually"

"I didn't know you ever had fun" King mumbled

"I know it's a shocker, but yes. I do indeed find some things amusing"

"I hate you"

Diane elbowed King making Meliodas chuckle.

"I've been told worse"

The next day

"So why couldn't you join us yesterday?" King asked


"Because of what?"


"What on earth is noneya?"

"None-ya business"

I laughed

"I can't believe you actually fell for that King"

"Shut up Ban"

"Anyway! Meliodas can you hang out with us today? Like right after school or something" Elizabeth said

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