Survive The Night

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Elizabeth's POV:

Don't screw this up Elizabeth. My uncle works as a night guard at this kids diner. He's fallen ill so I've had to take over. His boss didn't mind actually.

I decided to go their early and see what it's like during daylight hours. It was full of kids.

"Hi! Can I help you?"

I flinched. It was a blond boy. He was standing not to far from me. He looked very welcoming.

"Oh uh sorry. I just wanted to see what it was like here. I'm meant to be taking over as the night guard"

"You must be Elizabeth!"

"Do you work here?"

"Sure do. Are you new to town? I don't think I've seen you before"

"Yeah. Just moved"

"It's great to see new faces around!"

"Thanks. So yeah I'm Elizabeth"

"Meliodas. If you'd like it I could give a tour"

"Sure. Thanks"

He took me by the hand and started showing me around. He showed me where the office is too. Then we went back to the main area where the kids were.

He introduced me to the rest of the team. There was Diane, King and Ban. They were all super nice.

"I'm so glad to have another member of the band!" Diane giggled

"Let's get back to work. We don't want to be behind"


The rest walked off and continued doing what they were doing before.

"Can I help? It's busy in here and there's only four of you"

"Three actually. Ban has to cook since our chef quit"

"Well can I help?"


I helped to wait tables and after a busy few hours, the place finally closed. The way Meliodas and the others moved and sorted things was weird. They were perfect. Too perfect. Almost inhuman.

"Good luck tonight Elizabeth" Diane giggled

"You'll be so happy just along as you survive the night" Ban smirked

"Oh uh thanks"

"No problem"

"Would you mind helping out again tomorrow?" Meliodas asked

"Course not. Promise I'll help"

Later that night.

Wow. The restaurant is alot creepier in the dark. I headed for the offices and sat down. There was a note on the table.

We're so sorry if we give you all a little fright. We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight. You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night.

It reminded me of what Ban said earlier. Maybe they're just trying to spook me. I checked the cameras but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Well every now and then I'd hear a bit of giggling that reminded me of Diane. I came to the conclusion that it was imagination. It was about 1am when I received an email on the computer.

Any thing happened yet, Denzel?

It's to my uncle. I replied with the situation and saying what happened to my uncle.

Does anything seem weird Elizabeth?

No. Nothing's happened. Should I be concerned?

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