CHAPTER FIVE // a lovers kiss.

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~Lust for power is the most flagrant of all the passions.~

Rowens pov.

October 1st 2007
A few weeks later.

*caius' outfit*

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*caius' outfit*

*caius' outfit*

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*this view 🖤*

A grin flittered across my features at the majestic sight of freya and her foal, zeus, frolicking through the high grassy italian fields. Her dark inky colouration shone under the blazing sun, its rays cascaded over her mystically. She pranced and galloped around playfully with him. I found myself coming here often, the stables was built now and granted it took the villagers a few more days to complete as opposed to if the guards had done it.
I didn't mind, they were paid substantially and never complained, not to mention freya and her baby's new home was far more suitable for them. Its open plan interior provided ample space for them at night and having free reign of the vast connecting landscape meant that they had plenty of fresh air throughout the day. My freya deserved only the best and thus that is what she recived.

I took pride in caring for my horses, zeus was coming up to about a year old now, him being a shire and hungarian dutch had the youngster continually growing. He wasn't nearly tall enough or strong enough to be ridden yet, and first he needed to be broken in which takes around four weeks of constant attention. Mine and freyas bond was seemingly intant and she had already been trained as a work horse so she wasn't unacustomed to being ridden. Zeus on the other hand was unbroken and had a boystros personality, I was certain he would be giving me a run for my money.

"she was a bloody pain while you were gone during our war with the cullens, now she appears as content as she was before you left."

Caius appeared next to me, his white hair almost mirrored the suns rays but contrasted with his black smock and matching leather trousers. He had my hunting bow in his hand and held it out to me.

"i thought a hunt would be an appropriate passtime while the sun still shines, we can take the horses."

He suggested and looking over his shoulder I noticed ajax in the distance hitched to a tree.

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