//CHAPTER FIFTEEN //Memento mori.

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-all men must die... but I am no man-

November tenth, 2007

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November tenth, 2007.

Rowen's pov.

"Root toot..."

I inhaled deeply as I glanced at my surroundings, the sound of my fathers' voice filled my senses and wherever I was, his words only sought to calm me. I was stood in the middle of a meadow, large oak trees littered the edges of the green verdant grass that reached my calves, I rose my eyes up to the sky, watching as the stars flickered in harmony with the moon, as its glow bathed me in purity, this place... whatever it was called, it wasn't Italy nor forks and I found myself wondering why I was here. The sounds of the trees whistling while in a waltz with the wind and cascaded shapes of the leaves at my feet, my usual acute senses felt... absent almost as if they had been taken from me and replaced with something else that I couldn't quite put my finger on.


There it was again, that familiar voice which only got louder as the minutes passed by. My head snapped in the direction of the voice and my eyes studied the world before me. I was alone, or at least I thought I was.


My bottom lip quivered, and tears filled my eyes at the sight that appeared behind me, he looked as he did when I was a child, youthful and filled with happiness. He held his arms out wide and waited for me to greet him, which I did willingly, racing over to him I fell into his embrace, the feeling of his strong arms protecting me from life brought me a comfort that I didn't know I had missed and for the first time since my transition, tears fell from my eyes. My heart was slowly breaking, and I could feel the shards sticking into my chest with so much determination that my knees almost buckled. An otherworldly experience that I would never be able to forget.

My dad pulled me away from his chest as I looked up at him with tear-stained eyes, it was then that another figure began to approach us, one that I hadn't seen since I was an infant.

"My dewdrop... my sweet raven-haired girl, oh how you've grown."

I rose my brows slightly at her voice which was something akin to a birdsong that flittered out and showered me with bliss. Her dark locks reminded me of my own, along with her emerald gemstone eyes that bore into me with such a gentle longing gaze, almost as if she had been waiting for this moment for a while, but what struck me wasn't the similarities between us but rather the way her aura surrounded us in a deepened embrace.


The word sounded foreign on my tongue, and she let her smile grow to reach her eyes.

"Is this a dream?"

I questioned and glanced around at the meadow, the soft bustling of the trees and calm caresses of their leaves with the wind. Pa glanced towards mom and the look between them told me how much they had truly missed one another.

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