CHAPTER THIRTEEN // Plans untold .

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October thirty-first, 2007.

Caius pov.

Her eyes filled with wonder as she studied the darkened walls and expensive art that hung there. I stood a foot away from her, watching intently as she moved through the crowd, the room filled with an air of spectacle and wonder and my heart, overflowed with a sense of adoration for my wife... as soon as we enters into the speakeasy which was amply named 'the midnight crypt' any anxiety she felt rolled off her shoulders like beads of rain and she became the Rowen I see so closely.

Gone were the fears replaced by confidence that could make Aphrodite blush. She greeted guests and introduced herself not as queen but as a friend, leaving all those around her drawn to her charm.
She had a way with people one could say, the way she looks at you almost as if she knows all your deepest secrets and buried desires, a talent really, because of the simple fact that she has the ability to search one's mind willingly, if she really wanted to she could see everything that person holds close but she didn't. Without her powers she has an incredible mind already, the way she reads people was symbolic to her gifts which have been present since the day she was born.

As fate would have it, she was destined to become an immortal, being that she was my mate, the other half of my soul, from the moment she was brought to this earth it was in her blood, the very makeup of her spirit.

While she only waited a brief time to find her mate, I have been waiting for over three thousand years and I almost gave up hoping, that was until she stood before me as she created a barrier between her sister and the volturi guard. For a second, she appeared human, if it wasn't for her crimson eyes, I would've thought she was.

Evidently from that day she proved that she could not be controlled, her downright refusal to expel her powers at the word of another proved as much. Strong willed and determined she makes the perfect monarch to share the crown with, she has always demanded equality between herself and the kings, she perfected her Queens guard so that they were the most formidable immortals out there next to myself and her, she appeared at court with a friendly hand and fought battles with an iron fist.
Methodical in every meaning of the word if Rowen told you something was amiss you would second guess yourself in believing her.

However, she was far from untrustworthy, secrets belonged to her, she owned the very fibre of them but never spoke of them. They remained locked within her labyrinthine mind, that even aro fails to peak into.

Then as she began walking towards me, a glint flickered in her eyes as her body moved like a slow coursing river. Otherworldly in her appearance and no matter how hard I try; I cannot replicate it on a canvas. She wrapped her arms around my neck allowing my hands to hold onto her waist softly, she smiled in that loving way she does, reserved only for me and her words flittered out of her lips like a gentle song merging with the sultry sounds of the live band playing rhythmic melodic jazz, dressed in elegant suits and gowns they skilfully play their instruments, creating an ambiance that transports the listener to the bygone area.

"You know... I was angry when they told me you owned this place, I almost wanted to yell at you for doing such a thing without speaking to me first... that was until they informed me that you have owned places like this one for centuries... that only you can decide who gets to be invited here... then I was curious... why? Why did you do it in the first place?"

My brows furrowed at her question as I leaned back slightly, my eyes gracing over her figure, and I thought for a moment.

She was right, for nearly a thousand years I have opened taverns, speakeasys, bars, pubs, all over the world. Specifically for immortals like me who would enjoy being in an environment where they do not have to conform to mortal society. Where they can speak freely about their diets and display their gifts within reason of course.

SANCTITY  // sequel to Entitled. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang