I can dance and play all day (if you'll let me)

136 9 4

TW: PTSD, referenced past abuse,
Please let me know if I missed any

"Techno! How dare you!" Tommy shouted.

Techno cackled, and shot another fake arrow at Tommy, grinning as it got stuck on his back and he mock fell on impact.

Tubbo drew his bow and aimed it at the tree Techno was in. He shot the arrow, and it hit Techno's arm, he fell out of the tree in shock, but played it off like he did it on purpose.

"Good aim Tubs!" Tommy shouted.

Techno shakily got back onto his feet, and grabbed another arrow, shooting it at Ranboo while they were running past. It hit their side, and they jumped at it, laughing as they pulled it off. "You could be an archer Techno."

"I like crossbows better." He said with a grin.

Techno let himself relax just a bit, they were playing a game, the house wasn't a life or death type place yet, that could always change, but Wilbur was nice. Tommy, although rude and oblivious, meant well, and Phil and Kristen seemed nice enough.

He could work with this. It didn't fix the anxieties that constantly bombarded him, nor did it fix the nightmares that left him paranoid, but the family was nice and he would take the small mercies that have been given to him.

Tommy liked busting into his room at random intervals during the day to
reek havoc on his room, whether it was messing up his book organization, or taking his stuff and hiding it around his room.

Then Techno would sneak into Tommy's room later, and move a few things to a very different, but very believable place. Like putting his stuffed cow onto his desk, or moving a picture from one side to the other.

It was mutually agreed upon that neither of them were snitches, although, he suspects Tommy still doesn't know who moves his things.

● ● ●

"Technooooooo!" Tommy called.

Techno leaned out of his room. "Yessssss?"

"Will you help me make new weapons for our game?"

Some days, Tubbo's father would come and hang out, and the trio would drag him into the game, other times, Ranboo's older brother would come, and they'd play, always starting where they left off.

Some days, Dream would bring his friends too, and all of them would play.

Wilbur loved watching Techno and Dream interact, they were both sharp shooters, and were great at fighting close combat, friends, but most of it was built off of fighting.

Apparently, Schlatt had become president, and now Wilbur and Tommy were kicked out of their drug van nation. Now, Techno didn't know that, because he was working on new mock weapons, until they showed up at his little hole in the ground.

He didn't understand where this game was going, but Wilbur and Tommy seemed serious, so obviously, it was time for a revolution.

"Down with the government!" Techno shouted, raising his axe.

The other two did the same, before they all devolved into laughter.

"Dream was always kind of the villan, now there are three villains." Wilbur said with a laugh, the three of them putting their game props into a bin in the basement.

"Ehh, I wouldn't say villains, just people with different motives."

"You say that because you are the villain." Tommy said, poking him on the face.

"Maybe I do." Techno said with a grin.

He wouldn't lie, it felt nice to feel like the villain. After nine years of feeling like the victim, it kind of felt like he was taking some power back, even if only in a game.

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