They lie (when they say it feels better)

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TW: PTSD, derogatory term used,
Please let me know if I missed any

"Why didn't you ever tell us?" Phil asked when they got home.

"Because you needed me to be there." Wilbur said almost desperately. "Because you and Mother were young when you had me. Because I wanted Tommy to have a relationship with his grandparents. Because of all the things they've said about you." The last part was said meekly.

"Well fuck that, because they are really weird, and they just punched Techno." Tommy said hotly.

"What have they said about us?" Kristen asked gently.

"They've called you a sl#t, called you both stupid, said you both married too young. They used to do it so much and use words I didn't understand, and-" Wilbur broke down. "And I didn't want you to know. I didn't want those words to hurt you." Kristen pulled Wilbur close, muttering things into his hair.

Techno grabbed Tommy's hand, and led him upstairs.

"What was that for?"

"I need to show you some new weapons I made." Techno said, trying to stay away from the problem at hand.

"Is Wilbur alright?"

Techno bit his lip. "Do you want it straight?"

He knew how much Tommy looked up to Wilbur. The blond put both his older brothers on a pedestal, one was natural, because Wilbur was always there for him. The other was sort of in a warrior's sense, thought highly of for all that has been endured.

He didn't want to be the one to shatter the gilded image of an older brother.

"What else is there? Gay? Bend it a bit."

"I'll make it a bit fruity." Techno said with a grin."

"Stop." Tommy replied, covering his eyes with a laugh.

"Wilbur will be okay. Eventually."

"You're not that good at bending things." Tommy said with a smile, peaking through his hands.

"I am actually, but I don't want to lie to you. Not about this."

"What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know. Wilbur just has things that were never sorted out." Techno sighed.

"But don't you as well?"

"I do, but I've accepted that those things will stay unresolved, plus I never go back. Wilbur constantly had to go back and smile like nothing was wrong. Although I do think losing you was his breaking point." Techno added with a mischievous tone.

"You are literally the worst."

"Hunor is my coping mechanism, okay?" Techno retorted playfully.

"Okay, okay, but I don't get what you mean by going back."

"Like, he has to go back to the people who've wronged him. And remember all the things they've said to him. That's the one joy of foster care, if a family sucks, be bad and get kicked out. It works 70% of the time."


"Well the other 30% are people so angry they will punish you then and there."

"Aehhhhh, I don't think that's an upside Techno."

The older shrugged. "Eh, it's better than being stuck with an awful family for life."

"What? Jumping around awful families?"


"That's fucked."

"You're grandparents are terrible people to you're parents." Techno deadpanned.

"E- you have a point."


Wilbur walked into the room and gave the blond a weak smile. "Hey Tommy."

"Don't 'Hey Tommy' me, are you alright?"

"Yes." He said tiredly.

"Don't lie to me."

"Tommy, I'm fine." He said, placing a hand on the younger's shoulder. "Plus, there are two people waiting downstairs, who want you to come to the park with them."

Tommy perked up. "See you later boys."

Wilbur laughed and Techno smiled as the blond boy left the room. After a moment, the air turned heavy again.

"I- told them everything. It didn't make me feel better."

Techno laughed. "I never said it would. In fact, I hate telling people about the things I deal with."

Wilbur smiled. "You know what we need?"

"What do we need?"

"To draw up the next part of the storyline. Tommy just came back from exile."

Techno smiled. "That we do."

● ● ●

Rule no. 8: your voice does n̶o̶t̶ matter.

Wilbur hates feeling vulnerable.

He hates tearing himself apart and putting all of him on display for the world to see.

He doesn't trust the world.

It always has malicious intents.

But he was pouring his heart out to Techno, sitting in a tree house.

And now he's uncapped everything, and tipped it all out for his parents to see.

4 years of abuse and neglect.

10 years of quiet pain.

They asked why he never told. They knew the answer. They knew what it meant.

It pained him to drag out all the skeletons, and throw them infront of his poor parents.

They say talking will make it feel better.

It doesn't.

But he has a voice now. He has a voice that won't be shunned out.

And the people will come. They will listen.


I had a show on Wednesday! It was amazing, and we did great.

I may post a few pictures in my random shit book. (It's the one with the blue heart)

Have a great day/night my friends.

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