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The best room in the house was the library. The stuff in there was different from the books available at the public library. Old and delicate, most of them were considered 'heirlooms.'

Dad would have flipped, if he knew Ben was reading them.

I hope he's fitfully writhing in his grave, Ben thought. I hope his ghost is watching.

The only downside to the library was that everyone knew that was where they could find him. Five, especially, would pop in and expect Ben to drop whatever he was reading to play with him.

When Ben complained to Vanya she said boundaries were important. Important and valid and not even a little bit mean.

Today, Ben psyched himself up to repeat the script she'd given him if and when Five appeared.

I'll be gentle, yet firm, Ben thought. I'll be softly strict. Like Mom.

But most of the day went by and Five never showed up. What was he doing? Who was he hanging out with?

He doesn't love me anymore, Ben thought. I got too greedy with the sleepovers and now he hates me.

But that was stupid... or was it?

Later, Ben would tell Vanya he'd just forgotten the lines from the boundary script. In actuality, when Five finally showed up Ben was too relieved to scold him.

"Ben," Five said, stiffly. "I'm going to bed."

Ben blinked. "Now?"

Five crossed his arms together. "Now."

Ben glanced out the window and tried to guess the time. The sun was on its way down, but it was still visible.

"It's pretty early?" Ben said.

"I've seen Luther go to bed as early as 9 p.m," Five said. "So I've determined that 'evening' is an acceptable time for sleeping."

Ben frowned. "Uh, I'm pretty sure it's nowhere near 9 p.m."

Five stomped his foot down dramatically. "I don't care! You can't stop me!"

He's being so mean to me these days, Ben thought. I should use Vanya's script after all. Or should I?

"I won't stop you," Ben said. "It's not like I'm Number One. Why are you even telling me?"

Five glared at him. "Because. I shall be appropriating your bed."

Ben grinned. "I thought you didn't want to sleep there anymore? You said my mattress has too many springs in it."

"Yes," Five said. "But your blanket is softer. It's a fair exchange."

Can I go too? Ben thought. Is this an invitation?

"Hmm," Ben said. "I guess it's a good thing I'm in here."


"So that you can sleep in peace," Ben said, testing the waters. "Didn't you say-"

"No," Five said. "That's... no."


Five's scowl deepened.

So he wants me to come? Ben thought. Or is he mad at me because he can tell I want to?

"Why are you mad?" Ben said.

"I'm not mad," Five said.

Ben tilted his head. "Why aren't you going to sleep?"

Because you want me to come, right? Right?

Five scoffed. "Didn't you say it was too early? Which is it?"

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