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Chapter 1

Chapter Text

It was easy to be happy, when they first got back.

Everyone was relieved to see the other side of April 1st, 2019. To be home again.

But then Allison left.

"I need to see Claire," She'd said. "Just to make sure she's still... I need to see her."

Luther drove her to the airport himself. He stood and watched her board a plane and imagined running up to join her at the last minute.

Like in one of her movies, Allison would laugh and embrace him. Maybe even... maybe even kiss him.

That's what would happen if they were in a movie.

But movies don't pay attention to airport security.

" Sir , do you have a plane ticket?" The security guard reached for a taser, visibly put off by Luther's height and bulk. "Sir, you need to stay on that side of the line."

"Um, is it too late to buy one? A ticket?" Luther watched Allison disappear into the long tunnel that led into her plane.

The man looked from Luther to the plane and back again. "You don't mean for this flight? The one that's already boarding?"

"Nevermind," Luther said. He could feel the crowd turning towards them now, the way people craned their necks to gawk up at him was uncomfortably familiar. "Um, have a good day."

The security guard seemed to realize he was holding his taser a little too obviously. He strapped it back onto his belt as Luther stepped back and belatedly responded, "Have a good day, sir."

It wouldn't be accurate to say things had gone back to normal. How could life be normal, with Dad gone?

There were no missions, now.

And there was no impending apocalypse.

More than anything else, Luther found himself missing Mr. Ruby. The routine he'd built up around the man's business. It had been easy, then. To win fights and act the part of bodyguard and chauffeur.

What the hell was he supposed to do now?

"Alright," Five said. "This is just odd. You're not Klaus."

He'd teleported into Luther's room without warning and yanked the curtains open, then stood looming over Luther's bed with his arms crossed.

Luther rubbed his eyes. "What about Klaus?"

"It's past noon," Five said. "And I know this isn't your normal sleeping pattern."

It wouldn't be accurate to call what Luther had just been doing "sleep." He'd been wide awake, but hadn't really seen the point in getting up.

Luther sat up to frown at Five. "Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters," Five said. "So let's hear it."

"Hear what?"

Five made a circling motion with his hand. "Just get on with it, tell me what you're sulking about."

Luther stared at him, nonplussed. It wasn't like Five to engage in "emotional displays" or to ask how someone was feeling.

"Why are you asking?" Luther said.

"As I said," Five huffed. " This is odd. What are you doing in bed at this time of day? I swear, you've been moping about ever since we got back. I'm here to put a stop to it."

Awkwardly shuffling off the bed, Luther smiled at Five. "Wow. Um, thank you."

Five rolled his eyes. "Don't thank me. Start talking."

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