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Determinism is bullshit, Five told himself. The Grandfather Paradox is bullshit, destiny is bullshit, and so is Thanksgiving.

He angrily cut into his food.

Allison noticed. "Do you miss Ben and Vanya? They'll be back for the real Thanksgiving next week."

They were both in California with the other Five.

Five stuffed a mouthful of turkey into his mouth and shrugged. What made a holiday 'real' anyway? It was just an arbitrary date on a calendar.

"He knows that," Diego said. "Leave him alone."

But Allison wouldn't let it lie. "Didn't you miss me? I haven't seen you all month."

Five rolled his eyes and took his time chewing and swallowing his food.

"I missed you a lot," Allison added.

"I di-" Five started, but then cut himself off.

I didn't miss you, he wanted to lie. But that would be childish.

"The month went by fast," Five said, instead. "It was gone in a blink."

"We've been keeping busy," Luther chimed in. "We all have our own projects, right Five?"

Klaus slammed his glass down, sloshing wine all over the table cloth. "Speaking of projects!" He exclaimed. "You have to catch my act before you go back, Allie!"

Allison let Klaus capture her attention, allowing Five to continue his meal in peace.

But he was conscious of her gaze, now.

Five loosened his grip on the utensils, carefully schooling his expression into something more polite.

Whatever existential crisis he might be having, there was no need to take it out on Allison.

Still, he couldn't quite bring himself to mimic her faux holiday cheer.

Allison was an actor for a reason. She had thrown herself into the rituals of cooking and decorating with Mom the moment she stepped foot in New York, as eager to celebrate family and together-ness as Five's doppelganger was to forget his troubled past.

Whatever, Five thought. I'll be better than him.

Starting with this simple gesture of goodwill:

"I did miss you, Allison," Five announced. "I'm glad you're here."

Allison beamed.

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