Hurt part one

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I stand there and cry. Here I am, standing on the edge Freemont Bridge about to jump. I hope Tweek gets my letter, it's really important he dose. I need him to know that I love him.

Dear Tweek Tweak,
If you are receiving this, I am dead. It's not because of you, I just couldn't live with the pain anymore.  I love you so much, it's unbelievable how much I love you. I did this because I felt like I was just a burden, and I'm only here to ruin peoples life's. My whole life I've just wanted to die, I never liked living. It's only when I met you my life turned around for the better. The second I met you I fell in love. You made me feel so important and like a needed to be here on planet earth. But it's when my dad came back with the milk (JK I JUST NEEDED IT TO BE LESS SAD 😭) it's only when my dad came back to my mom when I started feeling like this again. He constantly called me slurs and made me feel like I was ruining his and everyone else's lives. You made my life so much better my love, but your going to have to move on and enjoy life while I'm gone. I love you Tweek, don't ever forget that.

Love your boyfriend, Craig Tucker.

I take a deep breath and let one hand go of the railing. As I was about to take my second off the railing, I hear a voice. "CRAIG! CRAIG STOP!" I look over and so Tweek running towards me at full speed. "TWEEK NO! I NEED TO DO THIS!" I yell back at him with tears clouding my vision. "N-NO YOU DON'T, I C-CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU. I N-NEED YOU HERE WITH ME! I CAN'T DO THIS ALONE!" He sobs "PLEASE GET DOWN AND W-WE CAN TALK A-ABOUT WHAT HURTING Y-YOU!"

I turn my head and look at the water below me and watch my tears drop into the water. I sigh and reattach my hand to railing. Tweek immediately runs closer to me to help me off. Once I'm off, Tweek pulls me into a tight bear hug and sobs into my chest. I rest my head into the crook of his neck and sob with him.

"Do y-you wanna g-go ho-home?" He looks up at me with teary eyes. "Ok" we walk back to my house holding hands and not letting go the whole 30 minute walk. We're both still sobbing. "Craig? D-did you really mean w-what you wrote in t-that letter?" I didn't even have to think about the answer to that. "Yes of course! You make me so happy Tweek. I honestly have no idea what I would do if you didn't come into my life." He smashes his lips against mine for a minute.

We reach my house. I open the door to see my mom on the phone bawling her eyes out talking to someone about where I am. She looks over to the door and immediately hangs up the phone. She runs up and hugs me. She turns my head both ways to make sure I'm ok. "Oh Craig, where we're you?! I was worried sick!" "Well I-" I started to speak but was interrupted by a familiar voice. "And who the actual fuck do you think you are?! You have absolutely no reason to be out this late!" My dad shouts. "YOU!" Tweek yells. "YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO SPEAK TO HIM LIKE THAT! YOU ARE SINGLE HANDEDLY RUINING HIS LIFE BY THE WAY YOU TREAT HIM! A FATHER IS SUPPOSED TO LOVE AND SUPPORT THERE CHILD. NOT YELL AT THEM FOR THE SMALLEST MISTAKES OR SEXUALITY OR ANYTHING YOU COUKD POSSIBLY FUCKING YELL AT HIM FOR. NOW DO US ALL A FAVOUR, AND SHUT THE FUCK UP."

I was FLABBERGASTED. He didn't stutter once. "Craig, is this true?" My mom spoke with tears forming in her eyes. "Yea." Is all I say. "Get out." My mom spoke. "What?" My dad says. "I said get the fuck out of my house. You ruined Craig's life, and now it's time to ruin yours. Now get the fuck out." "FINE. I NEVER CARED ABOUT ANY OF YOU." He walks out and slams the door.

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