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Jeff's manager caught up with me and apologised for his behavior. I just stared at her. I knew he was a great star but it didn't mean he could say anything he want and get away with it.

I was quite sure I didn't want to do the concert with him anymore but his manager convinced me to stay on and that she will manage his behavior and keep him in check. I nodded tersely but unsure if she could do so successfully. He always seemed so standoffish and fierce. I wasn't sure if anyone could control him.

I went off for my own rehearsals and was caught up till like 9pm at night. I slung my guitar case over my shoulders, grabbed my bag and was about to leave when I saw Jeff standing at the door.

I narrowed my eyes instantly the minute I saw him. I couldn't help it. He has been an ass.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have said that. I hope we can work together amicably on the concert prep."

I cocked my head at this. I wasn't expecting such a sincere apology from him. I nodded at him, accepting his apology. He nodded and went off. I locked up and was reaching the entrance when I saw him talking to his manager.

"I have done what you said. Now, stop nagging at me. And you promise me, that no more collaborations with others without clearing with me. You know my style so well."

She nodded and just pinched her nose bridge in frustration. He waved goodbye to her and walked off. She turned, only to see me standing there, having heard everything. Her face completely paled.


I just walked away, partly in anger and frustration. I knew if I stood there, I will go ballistic on her so I decided to curb my temper and walk away.

The next day, we had our initial discusson. Jeff came in, dressed in a black lace shirt, with a jacket thrown over it and black tattered jeans. I was dressed in a simple white shirt and blue jeans with a pair of Nikes.

Jeff had multiple rings over his fingers and wearing a long silver chain. To be honest, between us, he looked more of the rocker than me and yet he had given me grief over it. I rolled my eyes. We sat down, 2 seats away from each other and launched into the discussion. We went back and forth on concert theme, ideas, some idea of song selection and management also wanted us to launch a new song, as part of our collaboration. I put my foot down, knowing we will never see eye to eye on this and I already knew how much he hated doing this concert with me.

Now, imagine having to spend hours together trying to come up with a song together? That sounded like madness to me.

But management wasn't hearing of it and they wanted us to do it. I sighed. I looked over at Jeff, who just looked impassive.

We left the discussion, promising to come back and discuss this again. Jeff left and I stayed back to use the room to practise my singing.

I was practising my vocals and my guitar when I heard a cough midway. I stopped and realized Jeff had been standing there.


"I left my guitar here. Sorry to disturb.."

I just nodded. He grabbed his guitar and turned to go. Before he left, he briefly turned to look at me but I was immersed in my practice again.

I rounded off my rehearsal and then I went off. However, as I walked down the hallway, I heard some singing. I briefly looked in one of the rooms and saw Jeff practising there.

I stood there for a bit, listening to his voice and I was quite stunned. He actually sounded so amazing and his vocals were so rich and melodic. I could so see us collaborating and I think it would work out well.

I left after that, my impression of Jeff softening, not knowing that on his side, his impression of me had been softening too.

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