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I was just chilling on my sofa post a shower when I took my phone to message my manager.

I saw my phone and got reminded of Bright who waited for a few hours just to pass it back to me. He didn't have to and yet he did. I took it out again and my finger floated over his name in Line.

I finally decided to text him, biting the bullet.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm just working on the song P. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. Aren't you going to sleep? It's been a long day."

"Later P. I got an idea for the song so want to write it down before I forget."

"You don't have to call me P, you know."

There were no replies post that for a while until one finally floated in.

"Well you did say you are older and to call you Phi. And the last I checked, you are still older. So yeah.."

Ah. Just because we were on better terms didn't mean Bright became any less sassier. I had that coming. I groaned inwardly as I texted him back.

"Sorry na. Just call me Jeff, ok?"

"Okays. Jeff."

My face lit up again reading that and I just smiled inwardly to myself. I looked up to see my reflection in my TV and it hit me that I had been smiling more often than not. I just sighed as I looked back at my phone, knowing that Bright had been causing this change in me and there was nothing I was doing to curb it.

As the weeks passed, we firmed up our concert repertoire and started full fledged rehearsals with the dancers and band. Marketing had gone out and ticket sales had started. We were sold out for both nights and it was set to be a huge affair!

It was also getting more tiring as we prepped harder for it. Most days, Bright and I just started staying in the studio and falling asleep post rehearsals. Finally, about 2 weeks later, we could get a short break. It was almost 2am when we finally knocked off.

Between the two of us, his home was nearer and so he told me to stay over for the night. I agreed wearily as I was exhausted. By the time we got to his place, showered and sat down with an ice cold beer each, it was 4am. I was on the couch, nursing a beer and Bright just collapsed onto the couch next to me. He just laid his head against the headrest and was just stoning. I chuckled seeing his half asleep eyes. This boy fell asleep so easily anywhere and everywhere.

He dozed off and his head kept lolling. I inched closer to him and his head fell on my shoulder. I just chugged my beer as he fell asleep. Finally, I was done with my beer. I carefully shifted him to the couch as I stood up to clear the table. I put a blanket over him and went out to the balcony. I just stood there watching the sky as the morning rays started coming up. For some reason, I wasn't exhausted and between watching the sky and Bright, it easily became 7am.

Bright stirred awake, sitting up grumpily.



"Do you want food?"

"Why are you so active? Didn't you sleep?"

"Nope. Wasn't tired in the end. Breakfast?"

Bright nodded sleepily and dozed off again as I made breakfast for us. He finally woke up at 10. I just played my guitar as Bright had his food. He finally joined me on the couch.

"What song is that?"

"That's for my new album. It's about unrequited love."

"Ah. Ever had one?"

I looked over at Bright and nodded, sharing with him about a previously unrequited love. We swapped stories the whole afternoon, abandoning the practice and just engaging in talk. At one point, I found myself just holding onto his hand to comfort him as he was sharing something particularly sad and it was taking a toll on him. I placed my hand over his and looked at him, silently encouraging him.

He smiled despite the pain in his eyes. That got to me even more. I reached out and just ruffled his hair softly. He looked at me in surprise over the proximity but didn't say a word. I felt shy suddenly and took my hand away, pretending to cough to break up the momentum.

We sat quietly for a bit, my hand over his but not a word exchanged, both of our faces red. Just then the phone rang. Usually it wasn't the best moment but maybe for now, it was?

I answered my phone and it was my manager. We ran over my schedule abit and I watched as Bright stood up to get some snacks. He disappeared into the kitchen and didn't come out. I finished my call and went into the kitchen to look for him.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Looking for snacks, Phi. Do you want any?"


"Huh? What why? It's just a question, do you want snacks?"

"No. Why are you calling me P?"

Bright turned to look at me, like a deer caught in a headlight. He didn't say anything for a while until I finally heard him mutter.

"Calling you P reminds me that kindness shouldn't be confused with feelings. So let me call you P, please."

I just watched him in shock as he took his snacks and hurried out, going back to the hall.

Mi Amor [JeffxBright] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now