Chapter One

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Ryan's POV
"Ryan! Get up its time for school! You're going to be late," my mom yells from the bottom of the stairs. Gosh I hate getting up. Why?
I quickly get dressed, and go in the kitchen. I make myself a piece of toast to eat on my way to the bus stop. I pack up all my things in by brand new backpack, and run to the bus. I get there just as it's pulling up. Whew!
When I get to school, I stop by my locker and put my stuff away. I look at my schedule, then head to first period, band. Don't want to be late on the first day, right?
When I get there, I see my usual friends. Jamison, Sam, and Xander are all laughing at something. With those three it could be anything. Elly is being annoying, as per usual. Then there's this really short kid who plays the flute by the looks of it. Then next to him... Oh my goodness. There is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. She has long blonde hair, that goes about half way down her back. It shimmers like gold. She's wearing a baby pink top, with cuffed dark blue skinny jeans, and simple white sandals. I really want to go talk to her, but I'm afraid I would scare her off. I'm not the most cuddly of people, after all. I'm about five-nine, with short brown hair and brown eyes. Nothing compared to the angel sitting across the room.
I start setting up my stuff. I play the clarinet, so I can stare at this girl all I want without being creepy. The first thing I notice when I'm done setting up and finally sit down is her eyes. They are blue, but just saying that blue would describe them doesn't work. They are not quite grey, but are about the color of an overcast ocean. Blue, but mostly grey. Then I notice her ears. They are smaller than normal, but I like them. She wears little sparkling balls of crystal for earrings, and she's tan. She must spend a lot of time in the sun. She has long legs, and appears to be about five-four. I decide immediately I will make this girl my friend. She looks smart too. Definitely not fitting the "dumb blonde" stereotype. She must be new, because I think I would have noticed such a pretty girl before. I wonder if she'll even want to be my friend.
Mr Richards finally get up on the podium to start class. We won't be playing today, just going over rules, etc.
First period flies by, and soon it's time to go to second period. I hope and pray she's in my next class.
Unfortunately, she's not in any of my classes until seventh period, the last class of the day. That leaves me thinking about the blonde angel all day, and then I walk into math.

My Best Friendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें