Chapter Six

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The next day, I woke to find the sun shining, birds singing, and everything was cheery and bright. It matched my mood perfectly. I was practically glowing as I walked downstairs for breakfast, only to find that it was almost noon. My parents and siblings still aren't home, so that explains why it was so quiet. I decided I didn't really want to do anything today, so I just grabbed some cereal and headed to the basement for a date with Netflix.


About two hours later, I was in the middle of a Psych marathon, and my phone rang. I looked down at the caller ID, and saw that it was Ryan. Thinking nothing of it, I picked up.

"Hey Ryan. How are you?"

"I'm good. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. I've only been awake for about two hours though. Do you want to come over? I'm just watching Psych."

"Sure. I'll be right there. Just give me ten minutes. Do you want me or bring any treats?"

I laughed. "No. Just bring yourself. I'm not really hungry anyway."

"Great. See you in a few, Goose."

I feel my heart skip a beat. That was a nickname only my parents used. I wonder if he just came up with it. I doubt my parents would have told him. As far as I know, they've never even met him.


Exactly ten minutes later, I hear a knock on my door. I run upstairs, excited to see him. I've been kind of lonely. I open the door, and there he is. A t-shirt and jeans, but not looking awful. I probably don't look that great. I just have my jammies on, pink and white striped "traditional" pajamas. My hair is in a messy bun, and no makeup. I didn't bother to get dressed, nobody's seeing me but him, so I don't mind. Under his arm, I see a plastic Target bag, which means he stopped and got treats, like I told him not to.

"Hey. Come in. Sorry I look like a train wreck."

"That's fine. I think you look cute."

I'm already blushing. I suddenly turn into this awkward little turtle.

"So, uh, the basement is this way."

He follows me quietly down the hallway and steps, and I can feel his eyes glued on my back the entire time. When we get to the basement, the TV is paused right where I left it to go answer the door.

"Sorry, I was right in the middle of the episode when you rang."

Of course, I wasn't anticipating that he would be here so quickly. I had been right in the middle of the episode where Shawn and Juliet finally kiss, but there's about five or ten minutes till that scene. As far as I know, Ryan doesn't watch Psych, which means he doesn't know what's coming. I debate between telling him, and letting him be surprised. I settle on letting him be surprised.

"Take a seat. I told you not to bring treats, you potato."

"Sorry. These can be just for me, if you like, but I got something that everybody likes, just in case you change your mind."

He reaches into the bag and pulls out a five pound bag of Haribo gummy bears.

I squeal. "How did you know those were my favorite kind of candy?"

"I... may have asked Alayna?"

"Dang. You sure can do a lot in ten minutes, did you know that?"

"I did. I've been told that before."

We settle in, and about five minutes later, the kiss comes on. I feel Ryan squirming next to me, and I giggle quietly to myself. It seems like Ryan would be the type of person to squirm at this.


Several hours later, the bag is half gone, which means I've eaten over a pound of gummy bears. Oops. I've been marathoning all the big Shules episodes, so when The Breakup gets over, I turn to him.

"Do you have any episode requests?"

"Actually I do. I saw and episode while you were scrolling through the was called 'Tuesday the 17th'? I was wondering if we could watch that one."

Great. The one horror episode, and he wants to watch it.

"Yeah sure. That's a good one," I said, feigning nonchalance.

After it starts, I'm terrified. I hate this episode. It has a hockey masked murderer, just like Friday the Thirteenth. We get about halfway through the episode, and I realize I'm squeezing Ryan's arm and hand. Hard. I slowly loosen my grip, and feel him softly chuckle next to me.

"What's so funny?"

"You're cute when you're scared."

"Okay. Sorry if I hurt you. I usually squeeze a pillow during these parts, but that's usually when there's nobody watching with me." I say, getting really flustered.

"It's okay. Just do me a favor and check that my fingers aren't purple? I can't really move them."

I can't tell whether he's being sarcastic or not. I didn't think I had that strong of a grip. I look down, and they don't seem to be that purple, just enough that it's noticeable.

"They're not bad, they could be worse."

"Alrighty then."

"Sorry I ate so many gummy bears. I eat when I'm nervous."

"That's fine. It's why I brought them anyway. I've been eating them too. It's partially my fault you're nervous anyway."

"No it's not silly. I'm always nervous when I watch this episode anyway."

"After this episode I should probably get going. I told my mom I would only be gone for a couple hours, and it's been, like, four."

"Okay. Sounds great."

After the episode is over. He gets up off the couch and stretches, groaning as he does so.

"It's not good for me to sit that long, Goose."

"Sorry. You're the one who chose to come."

"It's fine."

Then there's a super awkward silence.

"I guess I'll walk you to the door then. Let's go."

When we get to the door, he kisses my cheek.

"Thanks for having me. I had fun. Give me a call next time you have a massive Netflix marathon."

"Yeah. I will. Bye."

I watch him walk out to his car, gently touching my cheek, right where he has kissed me. In a moment, I catch myself thinking about what it would feel like if the kiss had been about an inch towards the center of my face. As in, on the lips. Oh. Wait, he's supposed to be my friend. I shouldn't be thinking this. Maybe Alayna has brainwashed me into her hopeless romantic belief. Oh well. Food for thought I guess. Speaking of which, I'm hungry.

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