Chapter Eight

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Part Two

When we got to the Square, I pretty much turned into a little three year old. I was so happy, and I'd only ever come here with my family, so coming with someone else was really special. As we walked, we talked more about our futures, missions, more college, majors, anything and everything. Before I had left, my dad had sat me down and talked to me.

"Be careful, Gabriella. I've seen the way he looks at you. It's like you're his everything. Just be careful, and don't get in so deep you can't get out."

Now, those words rang through my head as we walked. Did Ryan really like me that much? We'd only been on two dates, and he was supposed to be my best friend. Isn't being in love with your best friend against some kind of rule? Suddenly, I realized I sounded like I was trying to convince myself. I had never really felt like anything extraordinary, but I had always dreamed of looking over at somebody and catching them giving me The Look. The one where, like my dad had said, it looks like they are thinking of nothing else but of how much you mean to them. I'd gotten a couple second looks from boys at school, but it always made me feel gross, not like it was in any way respectful. My favorite phrase is "happily ever after", and I'd always dreamed of getting one of my own. Maybe it's a little early for that.

"Hey, you alright?" Ryan asked. I realized I'd fallen into silence with my thoughts.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Okay, you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really. Sorry I drifted off, what were you saying?"

We walked for about another hour, and on our way out, we walked past the spot. The one where I'd dreamed I would be kissed when I came here. Ryan didn't know about the kiss part, at least I hoped not, so it wasn't like he grabbed my shoulder and kissed me right then and there. In fact now that I think about it, I wouldn't want to traumatize all the small children walking by with their families, so if he did kiss me, it'd have to wait until we got home.

In his truck, it was quiet. Not awkward silence, but comfortable quiet where we both just left the other to their musings. I wondered what Ryan was thinking about, if it was me, or something else. I decided to find out.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"


"Me?" Okay I kind of expected that one.

"Yes, you. Listen, Alayna told me about the spot," The traitor, I said to myself. "I'm sorry I didn't make your dream totally come true, but I didn't want to scare you away. I didn't know if it was me you wanted your first kiss to be with, or whatever, but anyway, I still really like you. I'm sorry when I first told you it was over text. That was really rude. I just don't have the guts to be really spontaneous, and telling you that night took me a week to psych myself up."

"Well thank you for being honest. I still think you're a perfect gentleman, and thank you for the fun night, however, do you really think you should be so into me? I mean, we're only in high school. I know you're seventeen, you'll be on a mission by the end of next year, and you're a big boy, but I'm just sixteen and still just a little too innocent, so could we kind of save that innocence and maybe pick our relationship back up after you get home? I know that might be a long time for you, but we can still be friends, just no more one on one things till then. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."

"That's fine. Let's get you home."

I felt really bad about doing that to Ryan, but my dad's words wouldn't stop ringing through my head. Now I felt calm and peaceful, and I knew I'd done the right thing.

When we got back to my house, Ryan walked me to the front door, and told me goodbye. I gave him a hug, said I was sorry one more time, and then watched him walk back to his truck and drive away. Hopefully he wouldn't be too hurt, but I knew Ryan was sensitive. Not sensitive to the point of crying, but I knew he wouldn't feel right for awhile.

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