Chapter Two

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Gabriella's POV
I wake up to my alarm. I groan aloud, and shut it off. Time to get up. Then, I remember, it's the first day of school. Crud. Yet another new school for me. All new kids, no friends. Yay! Who wouldn't be excited for that?
I slowly get up and get dressed. I wear a pink top and skinny jeans, which I roll because it's going to be hotter than blazes. I go in my bathroom and straighten my hair. After that's done, I do my makeup. Nothing fancy, just a little mascara, eyeshadow, pencil eyeliner, blush, and lip gloss. Then I'm done. I go upstairs, make my lunch, eat breakfast, and pack all my stuff in my bag. I yell goodbye to my family, and head out the door to the bus stop. I meet up with my friend Hannah at her house. We all the rest of the way together, chatting about school. I'm super nervous. I don't really need another new school. Oh well.
We get to the bus stop, and the bus comes down the hill. It slows in front of us, and we all get on. Slowly we get to the other bus stops, then finally the school. I've gotten my schedule a couple weeks earlier, and I have band first period. I wander the halls, trying to find the band room, and finally arrive. I walk in, and don't recognize anyone. Then I see one familiar face. Jade, a girl who lives down the street. Apparently she plays the trumpet, based on where she's sitting. I don't recognize anyone else. The room is full of chattering kids. It's way too loud for my liking in here. I prefer books, quiet, and food. Oh, and don't forget Netflix, and Pinterest. The teacher, apparently his name is Mr Richards, finally starts class. It goes awfully slowly, but the bell finally rings to go. The rest of the day goes as follows. Second period: English class. The teacher is strange. I don't know if I'll like her or not. Third period: Science. The teacher is Asian, kind of quirky, but he's okay. Fourth period: US History. Teacher: bleached blonde lady, seems pretty chill. Lunch is next. Then fifth period. Health. Ick. Not my favorite. The teacher is super overweight, but nice enough. Sixth period: Gym. My worst, and most dreaded, subject. Two teachers here, a guy and a girl. The guy seems cool, but the lady is awful. Seventh period: Math. My favorite class. When I walk in, I notice the teacher, kind of short, with longish brown hair. Her classroom is brightly decorated, and well organized. I can immediately tell I'm going to like her. We get assigned seats. I sit at a table of all boys, all shorter than me, and all have egos the size of Russia, and the worst cases of "Little Man Syndrome" I've ever seen in my life. That's enough of that now. After the final bell rings, I head home on the bus. I walk in my front door and my mom asks how it went. I say good. Not a lie, just not the whole truth. I go down to my room and grab my book off the nightstand and plop down to read. About forty five minutes later, I get ready for swimming. Swimsuit on, cap, goggles, and towel in my bag, finally ready to go.
When I get to the pool, I meet up with my friends, and Coach Steve. Steve gives us the workout. Warm ups is a 400 free. I groan, but its usual. The rest of practice goes pretty much the same way, hard sets, me groaning, but loving it all the same. At the end of the workout, I'm exhausted. I heavily climb out of the pool, and am too tired to get up, so I just lay there making dying whale noises. My friend pulls me up, both of us laughing. I finally leave, and when I get home, I head straight to my room. I read for about an hour before my mom calls me for dinner. After dinner, I head back to my room, and read and watch Netflix until bedtime. I fall asleep wondering what the rest of the school year would be like, and looking back now, it's funny how naïve I really sounded.


Hey guys! So, this is my first book, so I'd like some feedback. I hope you guys are going to enjoy the story. I'm not going to beg you to vote, comment, or follow me, but it would be nice. Please don't advertise your books in the comments, that's a sucky thing to do. Just be nice, but constructive criticism will be valued. Thanks!!
Credit to my friend AlaynaMillburn for making my beautiful cover! Go follow her. She's cool.

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