Chapter Seven

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1 month later

Gabriella's POV

At school that Friday, I was having a bad day. I got a B on my psychology pop quiz, and none of my friends were there. Last block, Ryan comes and sits next to me. I don't really think anything of it, because we've grown so close some people have asked me if we're dating. I always tell them that, no, we are not dating, all while my face is bright red in embarrassment.

"Hey, Gabi."

"Hi Ryan. What's up?"

"Well, I maybe was going to Temple Square to see the lights tonight. Would you want to come with?"

"You sure are persistent, aren't you?" I say teasingly. "Yes. I will come with you. Further yet, I will count it as a date."

"Great. I'll pick you up at five and we can go get dinner before we see the lights."

"Okay great. Thank you."

I found myself distracted all throughout class. I fantasized what the date would be like. Would we go somewhere fancy for dinner? or would we go somewhere lower key? Would he kiss me? If so, where? What would I wear so I looked cute and elegant, but stayed warm enough to enjoy the evening? I had once told Alayna when we were about ten what I wanted my first date to be. It had consisted of me and my date, going to Temple Square to see the lights, whether my date was Mormon or not. I then had stated that I wanted him to kiss me under the branches of the trees by the Tabernacle, with big poofy snowflakes falling down around us. Many a night I had dreamed of this, but each time my date was always faceless, nameless, and otherwise unknown. I wondered if Ryan had conspired with my best friend to come up with this date.  I had turned sixteen two months ago, but I hadn't counted the the movie as an official date. So, since none of the other guys at my school had  shown no interest whatsoever in me, this would be my first real date. I was scared out of my mind.

As soon as I got home, I immediately plugged in my curling iron so I could do my hair. I wanted the curls to look relaxed, not like I had just done them. I then went to my closet and picked out a cute red and orange striped sweater, and a pair of skinny jeans. I decided I would wear my little bit longer than waist length black dress coat. I put on knee high dark brown supple leather boots. I wore simple earrings that were small white balls studded with crystal. I was getting even more psyched for this date the more I thought about it.

At five o'clock, I heard the doorbell ring.

"Come in! It's unlocked!"

I knew it was Ryan so I wasn't all that worried. I heard the door open and somebody on the stairs. I was facing my mirror, doing makeup touch ups, when he appeared in my bedroom doorway.

"Hey Gabriella. How are you?"

"Good. You look nice."

In all honesty, "you look nice" was a severe understatement. To be truthful here, Ryan looked dang hot. Maybe it was that he usually wore sweats and t-shirts to school, and now he was wearing a white dress shirt, dark jeans, and his signature black Converse. His hair was styled, but it didn't look like he had dumped a bucket of hair gel over his head.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yep. Just let me grab my phone and my wallet."

We proceeded down the stairs, where my parents were waiting. They had since met Ryan and like him.

"Okay Ryan. Drive safely and have her home by twelve thirty please." My father said kindly. He wasn't very intimidating to be honest.

"Yes sir. I will be careful."

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