Chapter Five

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Gabriella's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. Then, last night comes crashing in on me. Oh my gosh. Ryan told me he liked me last night! What am I supposed to do? Act like normal? Someone, SOS! I bet it's going to be super awkward.

When I get to school, I see Ryan in the hallway. I just walk past him, and hopefully he doesn't think I'm totally ignoring him. Luckily, he's not in any of my classes until the last class, 7th period. That should give me some time to think about what I will say.

All that extra time meant I procrastinated, so now I'm walking into math and I'm freaking out because I'm not ready. What if I say something stupid? I don't like him, but I do not really value making a fool out of myself in front of my best friend.

I sit down in my seat, and not soon after, Ryan walks in the door. He comes and sits down next to me, and I can feel myself start to blush. Why am I blushing? I don't even like him.

"Hey. Do you want to talk about what you said last night?" I asked.

"No, I don't. I spoke the truth. That's it." He replied with a stony expression.

"Do you think I'm going to be mad at you? Because I'm not, if that's what you're worried about. I know this fabulousness is hard not to fall in love with." I tried to lighten his mood, but I guess it didn't work.

"Why aren't you mad at me?" He asked hesitantly.

"Because you're my best friend, whether you have feelings for me or not, and I need friends."

People are now giving us strange looks after catching tidbits of our conversation.

"Gabriella, you have no idea. No idea how it feels to wake up in the morning, and the first thing I think of is my blonde angel of a best friend, and how her smile is the greatest thing that happens in my day, even if I already had a pretty great life before I met her. No idea how lucky I feel to have someone who will put up with my crap, and treat me like her sibling all the same."

By now I'm about ready to sob. I had no idea he was even capable of this. The Ryan I knew was snarky, sarcastic, and sadistic. How could such a... different? kind of person be so sweet? Maybe this is just a dream and I'm going to wake up and have it not even have happened. At this point I kind of wanted that to happen. Then I would know what to do when it really counted.

"Oh no. Did I upset you? I'm really sorry. Are you okay? Oh gosh, what did I do?" He says at my silence.

"No, Ryan. I'm fine. Thank you. I'm just surprised is all, shocked really."

"Oh," he replied thoughtfully. "You know, it just occurred to me, there's the new Avengers movie playing tonight. Would you want to come see it with me?"

"Ryan Richardson, are you asking me out on a date?"

"I do believe I am."

"Well, I have to say this. I will go with you as a friend, but I will not consider it a date. I've been meaning to go to that movie anyway." He looked crushed.

"Okay. I'll pick you up at seven, then?" He asked hopefully.

"Yep. See you then."


As soon as I got home, I texted Alayna: GET OVER HERE ASAP. I'M NOT ASKING.

Five minutes later, our doorbell rang. I scrambled to open it. Alayna was standing on our front porch looking confused. I grabbed her arm and tanked her inside, and dragged her to my room, where I promptly slammed the door, and locked it.

"What is your deal?" She asked.

"I'm having a crisis." I replied.

"May I ask what that is?"

"Ryan kind of... asked me out?"

"Heck no. What did you say?"

She already knew all about last night. Ryan was a mutual friend of ours. I had told her, because Ryan had only sworn me to secrecy for everyone, and everyone does not include Alayna.

"I said I would go with him... as a friend."

"So what are you doing?"

"Going to see the new Avengers movie."

"Get out. Ryan Richardson asked you to the new Avengers movie? He must be taking you just so he can watch your reactions to all of the plot twists, and deaths, and fall more and more in love with you along the way."

Alayna was kind of a hopeless romantic kind of girl.

"Pshh, please. Ryan is soon going to realize that one of the cheerleaders is hot, and fall super in 'love' with her. Just like me. It's a phase."

"I don't think so!" Alayna said in a sing-songy voice.

"Anyways, I need your help picking out an outfit for tonight."

"Okay. Let's do this."


"Tonight it's going to be cold, so I need to dress warm." I said to Alayna. "And the movie theater will probably be chilly too."

"Right. Let's see..."

Eventually, we decided on a yellow shirt, a gray cardigan, and cuffed, dark wash skinny jeans, and the same sandals I wore on the first day of school. Then we went in my bathroom, and Alayna curled my hair, and did light makeup.

At seven on the dot, I heard a knock from downstairs. "He's here!"

"Alrighty girl. Knock him dead."

I grabbed my phone, and headed downstairs. My parents and sisters were out of town, so no need to worry about them.

I opened the door, and there he was, and dang, he looked good. I didn't know it was possible for Ryan to look hot, but oh my goodness, he totally did. He wore a white button down, with jeans, and black Converse.

"Hey Ryan, ready to go?"

"Yeah. Are you excited?"


"You look beautiful." Ryan said.

"Thank you," I replied shyly, blushing like crazy. Why am I blushing? This is strange. What's wrong with me?

"Let's go." Ryan said.



When we got to the movie, I was practically bouncing. Not because of my company, but because of what show we were going to see. I've been a long time Marvel fan, and was super excited.

We stopped and got popcorn, and Ryan, being the good date, I mean friend, payed for everything.

We went and got seats, and they were good. I was so excited. The movie finally started, and I was loving it from the beginning.

After the movie, we left, and on the way out I was chattering like crazy.

"What did you think, Ryan? I loved it. Thank you for bringing me. I thought it was awesome. I've been meaning to come see this since it came out."

"I'm very glad you came with me. I liked it too."

That's weird. He's not usually this quiet.

The ride home was super quiet. It wasn't awkward, but comfortable silence.

When we got back to my house, Ryan walked me back to the front porch. Now is when it turned awkward. The classic doorstep goodbye. Oh the joys. Well, if he knew anything about first date goodbyes (wait did I just say that?) he wouldn't try to kiss me. That was a bonus.

"So, uh, bye then."

"Bye. See you at school on Monday."

I turned and entered my house, mentally kicking myself for being such an idiot.

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