Chapter 4 a mystery await

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I was in the academy garden, there was a swing so I chill there for a while

Until Malaysia runs in and hugs me and Indonesia was tired from running after Malaysia

"PHILIA!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!" Malaysia said and I laugh a little

"Malaysia wtf?! I been chasing you for 30 minutes telling you to slow down! And plus.. she's just gone for 2 days!" Indonesia said

"You both calm down Instead- we are still new" I said and I smile

"BUT I STI-" Malay was cut off by Indo and I tried not to laugh


"Shut up will you Malaysia? Is literally in the morning still." I said angerly.

Malay is been like a dog waiting for it's owner. Yeah I miss her also but it's not the point that Malay will get very excited.

"Guys I have to go to my class, goodbye!" Philia said and me and Malay said goodbye to her

And then I glared at Malay

"What? Is not my fault."

"Technically is still your fault Malay."

"Ok chill. If you still can catch me" then Malay run off and I chased him again

Gosh even in the 2nd day of going to class this idiot won't calm down still


School garden after class
Time check: 11:00 am

I went outside the school garden and not much students are here.

So I sat down in a comfortable spot and I began reading a book that I found in my desk.

While I was reading the pages, I found a mystery code that unlock somewhere

I couldn't know what it was until I read what is under the code and it said something..

It said "a mystery awaits now." I was confused and I closed the book.

I decided to explore around the academy since I didn't get to explore it.

The place is really quiet.. I wonder why

Until I found the school roof and I rested there for a few hours

I hear the bell ring and I was going to be late

Shoot! I am going to be late!

So I get up and run quickly to the classroom.

When I got there, there was no one and a note on my desk saying "don't resist"

Until I blink and everyone is here. Luckily the teacher isn't here so I sat down.

The teacher came in and we did our lessons.

Time check: 3 pm after school

I went inside to my room and I flop down to my bed.

Is been really quiet.. I wonder why..

And when I looked at the clock, I was shocked that it was 10 pm now.

How did time flies to quickly?

So I did my night time routine and I went to my bed and lay down.

I couldn't sleep so I just stared at the ceiling.

I could still hear chit chatting outside, I think they are home now tho.

So I closed my eyes and I fell asleep


Eyy author here! I'm sososo sorry that this is short, I am still tired 😭

Anyways I hope you enjoy these 5 facts 🙂

Fact: 10 more countries are joining the academy

Fact 2: most of the countries are born with heterochromia

Fact 3: countries have 5 lives

Fact 4: each country have a national flower in the main garden

Fact 5: −··/−−−/−·/·−−−−·/−//−/····/··/−·/−·−//−−−/··−·//−··/−·−−/··/−·/−−·/−−··−−//−···/·//−·−−/−−−/··−/·−·/···/·/·−··/··−·//·−/−·/−··//−·/·/···−/·/·−·//−−·/··/···−/·//··−/·−−·//−−−···/−·· (( translate this :) ))

That's all!

Good bye my lovelies!

Words: 575

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