Karyu and Her Muntxatan

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the children fluster Roxto and you find it hilariously cute

"Karyu! Mr. Roxto won't put us down!"

At the sound of the giggly whine, she turns around with a loving smile. As always, she was watching over the village children. The smaller children, newborns and babies who can barely stand without falling, surrounded her. They babbled to her, playing with her jewelry and skirt. She didn't have many newborns today, so she could manage entertaining both age groups.

Roxto had 3, maybe 4, kids in his grasp. He spun them around and teased them when they tried to escape. The other kids tried to help their friends, pulling on his tail and arms.

"Roxto, give the poor babies a break. Me'em is actually turning purple."

The said upside down boy giggled as he made eye contact with his teacher. His sister. Roxto smirks before scooping the remaining kids in his arms, walking towards her. He walks past her to where she was on the shore, and more into the water. He plops them all down, laughing at their displeasure.


She glares at him in warning. The baby in her arms studies her face, with his hands and eyes, before turning to Roxto and tries to copy her. Roxto chuckles and kisses her head.

"They're fine, yawne."

That's all he could get out before he was tackled by all the kids.

"You jerk!"

"That wasn't nice!"

"You got my hair wet!"

She quickly snatched up a crawling baby out of harms way, before laughing at her mates misfortune. Roxto yelps, protecting his face and body from the small hits.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Cut! It! Out!"

They didn't listening, Me'em tugging on his ear. Roxto yelps again, before glaring at the giggling boy. Her baby brother, betraying him like this. He was usually so sweet. How dare he?


"Alright, children. Leave Roxto alone."

They whine, but listen to their beloved teacher.

"Karyu, why's your muntxatan so mean!?"

Roxto's eye widen, staring at the young girl. His mouth opens and closes in shock.


She pauses, tapping her chin.

"Maybe he hangs out with Ao'nung too much."

"Meanie Ao'nung!"

"Mr. Roxto used to be so nice!"

Her little brother frowned at the slander.

"Roxto isn't mean,"

"We know that! We're just playing, Me'em!"


Her little brother smiles, then nods in understanding.

"Right. He's a big meanie who turns kids purple."

"Karyu? When did Roxto become your muntxatan?"

The still shocked Roxto begins to blush, his cheeks burning.

"W-We're not married, yet,"

"Why not?"

"What's taking so long?"

"Are you scared Mr. Roxto? It's okay too be scared!"

"Karyu loves you though! So you don't have to be!"

"Yeah! She loves you! Right, sister?"

All she could do was laugh. She nods at her brothers question, eyeing the flustered boy. The parents arrive to a stuttering Roxto and karyu laughing. The kids whine, not wanting to leave, but stands when karyu urges them to.

"Bye, karyu!"

"Bye, Mr. Roxto! Don't forget to marry her!"

"Yeah, don't be scared to!"

"Don't be a wuss!"

Now the parents understood your laughter, laughing themselves. Everyone but her, Me'em, and Roxto fled the shore. Me'em cuddles with his sister, falling asleep.

She stares lovingly at the boy as he slowly calmed down.

"Are you okay, yawntu?"

He nods, gulping with anxiety and uncertainty. See this, she kisses his cheek and leans on his chest.

"Take your time, Angel. I'm not going anywhere."

He relaxes, holding her gently as he rocked the two. He kissed you and kissed your brothers head in a brotherly way. He closes his eyes, feeling your presence and love. Now he didn't mind the children's words.

One day.

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