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your motherly to everyone, and he doesn't mind it


"Dude, I'm fine!"

"Shut up! Stop trying to act tough and let me see!"

"Bro! Tell your mate I'm fine!"

Roxto watches and you search the boy for injuries. He raises his hands in surrender, not moving a muscle. Lo'ak groans, but let's her continue. Neteyam laughs, until her gaze reaches him.


His turn. She found scrapes on the two boys and begins scoldings them, dragging them towards the healing marui. She glares toward him, Ao'nung, Kiri, and Tuk, nodding her head. They all follow. She briefly stops her ranting to greet Ronal and Neytiri, before continuing.

"Don't be so stupid next time!"

"Sorry, mom."


She smacks Lo'ak for his comment, flicking Neteyam for snickering. She puts paste on their injuries, before nodding to herself proudly. She turns to the rest of them, questioning them without words. Kiri pushes Ao'nung forward, earning a glare.

"I hate you."


The mother's and Roxto watch in amusement as she started helping a reluctant Ao'nung.

"What happened this time?"

"Surfing accident. They all fell off their boards and into a coral bed."

Ronal nods while Neytiri cringes as the image popped into her head. Now she understood why the girl was frantic.

A shriek from Ao'nung got their attention. She was trying to pull a small piece of coral out of his tail.

"Ow! Stop it! That hurts!"

"I know, but we have to get it out."

She says this gently as her eyes didn't leave the injury.

"Don't be such a wuss!"



Neytiri huffed in amusement as her youngest son straightened his back immediately. She needed to teach her that.

When she finally got the coral out and the injury bandaged, Ao'nung sighs in relief, hugging the girl like a injured child.

"Are you girls okay? Roxto?"


"I'm alright, yawne."

"Uh huh! I wanna cuddle too!"

Ao'nung glares at the youngest girl.


"Don't hog her!"

Neteyam hissed at him, his only response was him sticking his tongue out at the Omatikayan boy.

"Ha ha. Move."

The mothers laugh as they watch their children fight for a place in her lap. Neytiri looks at Roxto as he laughed, shaking his head. Children. His friends were children.

"Aren't you going to join in?"

He shook his head. He'll let his friends have her for now. She made eye contact with him, her face done with their shenanigans. He laughed at her, shrugging. If his friends were children, his mate was the mother. And he didn't mind that. Although...

"You had her last time!"


"Stop trying to claim mate, please. Thanks."

Roxto said dryly, before sitting behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Children. All of you."

"Does that make you our dad?"

"Oh my Eywa. Kiri, no."

The mothers laugh at the mated couple as they argued with the childish teens (excluding Tuk).

At least they didn't have to deal with them for a while.

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