War within

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Never felt lonely within four walls
Perfectly happy though the next room was worlds apart
Prepared for war with the walls erected oh so high
Blocking off intrusions, material, real or otherwise
The guard filtered, classified and led to a mass exile
Mostly justified, others necessary by association

No wars are won with hands squeaky clean
Given the boot, gleefully mean
With time, clear patterns emerge
Eccentric, mysterious or sophisticated
Nothing that a bit of observation cannot decipher
The algorithm worked a bit too well, the walls rose higher
But the ones that remained were the one and their shadow

Likeness, respite and inspiration
All derived make believe and foreign
Those who were sought, were so out of reach
Peace, a collateral damage between aspiration and reality
Reality, the destroyer of dreams
The others did not in fact flee,
They still claimed the domain, how it'll ever be.

Disassociate, distract or feign indifference
There is just no running away
When the guard's down in a moment of vulnerability
It seems to crawl back, eating away
For no fortress is strong enough for oneself
Both the slain and the victor
The key to liberation is a drawn out slugfest
A bit of trust in choices and experiences
To be fortified without a fortress
Everything else, a worthwhile bonus.

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