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Giddy excitement delivered with flair
Admiration and awe, a guaranteed affair
Carefully construed and clinically critical
Detractors declare defeat, gasping for air
Booed and cheered in the middle of it all
As they walk out in pairs to their own lairs
Digging themselves deep on every dissection
The argument foolproof, an understatement
Mental image of triumphant glory
Fizzled out with the thunder stolen
The reception tarnished, denied by indifference
To convince and convert is no consolation
Calories spent cannot combat blissful confusion
Tough to meet eye to eye even in a hallway
With eyes down at all times, why bother anyway
Hurting over an impending doom will not get it delayed
The makings of it clear, nothing preordained
Fabricated safety in welcome loneliness
Only fight worth fighting is for personal space
Dream begins where reality ends
A thin line separates what is illusion
Fumbling from faults bearable if it's one own make
Happiness fickler but content all the same
Even when it gown down
Never have to drag anybody that way
No cascading consequences nor dismay
For decisions made reflect and linger to a fault
Acceptance is the anesthetic to reality
Having no regrets is a surefire escape
Mundanity and boredom come what may 

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