Chapter Three ~ Spoken

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{Chapter III ~ Spoken}

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{Chapter III ~ Spoken}

"Your Grace, Ser Laenor and Prince Vahaevon have arrived" A servant said softly to the powerful woman.

The Queen had been waiting in her solar, a spread had been put out for them to break their fast, as she had commanded.

The table was stacked with all types of food, from sweets made in Dorne to pork that had been thinly sliced.

Alicent nodded at the maid to let them in, they were accompanied by Ser Qarl, who now stood outside the door along with Ser Criston, who gave them dirty looks.

"Good morrow, I am glad you could join me this morning" She said as she took in the sight of the two males.

Ser Laenor was visibly exhausted as was Ser Qarl, though it was not because of intimacy they occasionally share, the entire night they spend trying to get Vahaevon to sleep.

The child had let out the most abysmal shrieks, keeping some part of the royal wing awake. Even those that weren't awoken by the crying had heard from others how much the babe cried.

Ser Laenor nodded and had greeted her politely, holding his sleeping child gently in his arms.

The man clearly wasn't in the mood to deal with anything, much less somebody who, despite not showing it, was anything but supportive of them.

"I understand as a parent that these days must be very difficult, especially considering Vahaevon's... Condition" The Queen was staring pointedly at Vahaevon's face as she spoke of his sight.

"It isn't as easy as people had told me it would be, probably because I expected my wife to be here by my side" Laenor mumbled, Alicent had to bite her cheek in order to prevent an insult slipping out.

Vahaevon, who at this point had woken up, was making soft cooing noises as he grabbed onto the soft fabric of his father's tunic.

His father had opted to wear soft cloths only, fearing that Vahaevon's skin would be irritated by the fabric, much like his own adversion to the coarse clothing against his skin.

"He seems bright" Alicent softly said. She then held her hands out, prompting Laenor to hand over the infant and told him that he could eat whilst she held the prince.

"I've reading and seeing to him in Valyrian, at least to the best of my abilities. I want to go to High Tide and let my parents meet him" Laenor had not been very loud in his words, but there was truth in his resolve.

"I am certain that your parents will love this child unconditionally" Alicent said as she slowly got used to having the child in her arms.

Aemond was now two years old and had been in the care of the wetnurses most of the time.

Helaena had turned four recently and had been more obsessed with bugs, than being held by somebody. The only time she desired to be held was after having one of her usual night terrors.

And then there was Aegon, who was going to be six soon was causing all types of trouble. He was never at his lessons and even if he was, he would be so disruptive that there was no point in teaching him.

Alicent couldn't hate her children, but by gods, she did not love them. They were the reminder of her childhood that had been sacrificed by her father.

And yet here she was, holding another the product of a marriage that was made in convenience. The baby had opened his eyes, the pupil and iris being a milky white.

Vahaevon was making small noises towards her, his small hands reaching out and feeling all the new fabrics within reach.

"Has there been any offers of marriage?" Laenor had paused mid bite of a toasted bread, he stared at the Queen, his eyes digging into her skin.

There had been zero proposals of marriage for the prince, in fact there had been more instances where he had gotten offers from lords and ladies claiming that they could... Remove Vahaevon, stating that it would be benefiting for him.

The most insulting however were the words from a recently appointed knight. He had stated that the prince should be sold to a brothel and all the profits he made be send to the royal family, then there would be use for the blind boy.

The knight had been mutilated and disfigured by Laenor's own hands, in the Black Cells whilst Qarl stood watch.

Nobody had questioned what had happened and nobody ever will, not after seeing Ser Laenor covered in blood with murder written in his eyes.

"No, there have been none, the lords and ladies fear that any of Vahaevon's offspring will be disfigured, Your Grace" The Queen hummed at Laenor's response, still busy holding Vahaevon.

It was silent, the only noise made was Laenor eating and Vahaevon's sounds. It had turned tense and uncomfortable.

"Your Grace, Prince Aegon is here" Criston had opened the door, a frown fixed on his face as he looked at the Queen holding Rhaenyra's spawn and Laenor eating grapes.

"Mother!" Aegon had already sprinted into the room, not waiting for permission.

The boy was clearly excited and had not noticed the tense air in the room.

"Hello Aegon" Alicent greeted with gritted teeth, her smile being as fake as her love for her husband. The boy was about to clamber onto her lap when he noticed Vahaevon and let out a happy shriek.

"Vahaevon!" Aegon exclaimed and rushed forward to pet his nephew.

"Careful Aegon!" Alicent seethed, pulling the infant far away from her eldest child.

The sudden loud voice from the Queen caused tears to appear in Aegon's eyes and Vahaevon slowly turned red, at that point Laenor shot up and took Vahaevon back from her.

Piercing cries escaped from Aegon and Vahaevon, both equally scared by the anger coming from the usually reserved woman.

"No, no! Shhhh Vahaevon!" Laenor said, he could feel frustrated tears welling up in his eyes as he held his beloved child in his arms.

Aegon was hysterical, he hated being yelled at especially by his mother and ran out of the room hoping to find somebody that could offer him real comfort.

Whilst Aegon ran out, Criston and Qarl ran in. Qarl quickly going towards a sniffling Laenor and shrieking Vahaevon.

"I can't do this right now!" Laenor said, desperation clear in his voice as he frantically tried to get the crying to stop. Qarl gently shushed him and took Vahaevon from his hold.

"Don't worry! We're gonna get you both to bed and you're gonna nap for a few hours, okay?" Qarl said, guiding the broken down man out of the room, while holding Vahaevon gently to his chest.

"Are you alright, my Queen?" Criston asked, as they both observed the two men leaving.

"I feel pity, Laenor cares too much for a child such as that, that child is going to suffer more than it deserves" She mumbled.

"They should've killed it when they had the chance"

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