Peter x Yuri

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Peter and Yuri had been dating for a while now, they had kept it secret as they didn't know how to explain the nature of their relationship.

Yuri had been keeping it secret from those around her as to avoid having to answer any questions about who he was, what he did or how they met. There was also the fact that there was an age difference but she didn't care about that much but she knew how others would look and gossip that she was dating a younger guy.

After all how was she going to explain that she was dating the actual Spider-Man.

They had worked together for a while, they kept their relationship strictly professional with a hint of personality thrown in, mostly by him of course, but it was refresher from the harsher things in life that plagued Yuri. So she valued him being around if not just for the fact that he can taken down the bigger bads that have made their way into the city.

It was a complete surprise to both of them that they found themselves embarking on a more romantic relationship outside their time crime fighting.

Yuri was fine with the mask, she understood why he needed it, he explained it in detail but even before then she understood why he always kept a mask and a hidden identity.

But he didn't want that. He had the upmost trust in her and after a couple months he broached the topic of his true identity. She tried warding him off if he felt pressured into revealing himself to her in order to pursue their newfound relationship, but he dismissed her.

He told her that it was important for him for her to know who he was, Yuri was in part nervous about seeing his face, she'd like to think that she wasn't shallow enough to to end things if he wasn't the most handsome man underneath that mask, added to the fact that this was a big step in their relatively new relationship.

But thankfully she had nothing to fear as when he took off that mask she blushed deeply seeing his handsome face and cute nervous expression he had showing. Obviously he was just as nervous about revealing his true identity but that just made them bond even further.

It was almost completely out of the blue that they struck up their relationship, a few comments her and what seemed like a bit of flirtation there and suddenly they were on these makeshift dates.

He would arrive at the roof of her station after work or at her apartment with some food or a picnic basket and he would then whisk her away to some romantic spot he'd set up for the two of them and they'd just eat, talk, be together in a serene place.

She loved them. Every moment she could get away from the taxing of her job was blissful, but the moments she was now spending with him made her long for it more, that there time together like that would last just a little longer and that she couldn't wait for the next one to come.

She was a little embarrassed herself about how head over heels she was for the guy when she thought like that, but that embarrassment turned to fondness quickly.

Peter was the first to say the words, the words that had been stuck in her throat since he showed his identity to her, in fact him showing his identity was the biggest way he could have even said the words.

'I love you.' He said those words to her with the most sincerity. She was taken aback and she struggled to say anything back, not because she didn't feel the same, but because she was afraid to admit it to him... to herself.

Her previous love life wasn't the most spectacular, if anything it was the most bleak thing you could imagine. A series of single dates with no second call, a bunch of guys who were put off by her line of work... or overly enthusiastic about it... those guys have her the creeps more than anything.

Peter/Yuri OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now