Minccino-Neat and Tidy

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"Wait everyone! Please hold on a sec!" A voice shouts as the group is walking before a blonde girl then collides with Ash and Cilan causing them to fall into the river.


"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I just feel totally awful!" The blonde girl says as Ash and Cilan are warming up around a fire Chicita made.

"Please stop. It's alright." Cilan says as he smiles.

"So what are you doing here?" Iris asks.

"Yes and who are you?" Alexis asks.

"Actually I wanted to have a little talk with ash. Here. I want you to take a look at this." The woman says as she has Ash do a video call with professor Juniper on her watch to find out the woman is Bianca and has brought Ash a badge case before the group then introduces themselves to Bianca.

"Who's that pokemon? She's beautiful." Bianca asks as she looks at Chicita.

"Well I'm from the Avalan region. This is Chicita. she's one of the four pokemon I have that you won't find here in the Unova region." Alexis says as she places a hand on Chicita's head.

"Well she is absolutely beautiful. Now then Ash. Allow me to give you your case. Huh? I know I put it in my bag." Bianca says as she rummages through her bag looking for the case.

"Guys I'm gonna go find us something to eat. I'll be near by so give a call when she finds it." Alexis says.

"Be careful Alexis." Cilan says as Alexis smiles at him.

"I will. No worries. Chicita return. Riolu come on out." Alexis says as Chicita returns to her ball as Riolu comes out and follows after Alexis and Runeon.


"I wonder how the others are doing?" Alexis asks as she is in a tree with Riolu dropping apples down to Runeon to catch.

"Riolu." Riolu says as it begins eating an apple.

"Rune." Runeon says as she places her front paws on the tree.

"Alexis stop that pokemon!" A voice shouts as Alexis stops picking apples.

"Huh? Pokemon? Hey! Ah!" Alexis says as she then feels something jump on her head causing to lose her balance and fall out of the tree before Cilan then catches her while Riolu drops down beside them.

"Nice catch." Alexis says as she sees Cilan caught her.

"You okay?" Cilan asks as Alexis nods.

"Yeah but you can um put me down now." Alexis says as she blushes.

"Oh uh right." Cilan says as he blushes and smiles nervously before putting Alexis down.

"Alexis that pokemon took off with my badge case." Ash says as he looks at Alexis.

"Runeon, Riolu after it!" Alexis says as Riolu and Runeon follow Pikachu after the Minccino as the others follow before stopping and hiding in the bushes as they see the pokemon brushing the case with it's tail.

"There it is. Uh what's it doing?" Ash asks.

"That pokemon is called Minccino. They take anything dirty and use their tails to clean them. I know from personal experience considering I couldn't leave anything dirty lying somewhere without my father's Minccino snatching it and cleaning it." Alexis says.

"It must of taken the badge case because it was dirty." Cilan says.

"And since I hate to clean this is perfect for me." Bianca says as she laughs.

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