Kyurem Vs the Sword of Justice PT 2

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"How are we gonna get out of here?" Iris asks as the group is hiding in an underground train station.

"The city subway system is designed so you can go anywhere you want to go." Cilan says.

"Wait so we're going by subway?" Ash asks as Cilan is trying to get the door open.

"I thought we could take advantage of the unused train tracks but I'm afraid the door is locked tight." Cilan says as everyone looks at him.

"Let me try. Will that work?" Keldeo asks as he kicks the door open before the group gets walking.

"So Alexis how is it you're able to turn into a pokemon like that? Are there others like you in the Avalan region that can do that?" Ash asks as Alexis shakes her head while walking in pokemon form.

"No. My parents were able to but once they were found out by some scientists they got killed. I was able to survive it thanks to my mom but I'm the only one now with the ability." Alexis says.

"I still can't believe you're Wolfina. Amazing. Though that is what dating is for. To find out about your partner." Cilan says as Alexis smiles.

"Huh? Another door?" Iris asks as they come to a closed door.

"Let me do it this time." Alexis says as she prepares to use Blue Flare on the door.

"Wait a minute. Some doors are unlocked you know." Iris says as she stops Alexis and pushes the door open.

"This old subway station has been transformed into a museum! Once we pass through here we should exit just outside the city." Cilan says as lexis shifts to human form after they arrive in an subway station.

"I just had the greatest idea. Yup. I bet we can still use it." Iris says as she and Alexis use the blimp to lead the Cryogonal away from the others as they sneak away in a train.


"You're out of luck. It's just the four of us." Iris says as the Cryogonal see it's only Alexis, Iris, Runeon, and Axew before Kyurem freezes the blimp making it begin to go down as Alexis then shifts to pokemon form.

"Iris grab Runeon and Axew then hop on my back. Quickly!" Alexis shouts as Iris nods and does as Alexis told her before Alexis then tackles through the glass window and lands below on some rocks.

"That was close." Iris says in relief as she sees the blimp go into a nearby lake.

"No joke. Come on. Let's go find the others." Alexis says as she begins running.


"Ash!" Alexis shouts as she arrives with Cilan and Iris before the group sees Keldeo change forms as he prepares to battle with Kyurem.

"Keldeo transformed!" Iris says in amazement as Alexis shifts to human form.

"Incredible." Cilan says before he, Alexis, and Iris begin helping ash free the Swords of Justice while Keldeo is battling Kyurem.

"Keldeo no!" Ash says as the group see Keldeo beginning to lose before Kyurem prepares to fire a powerful attack at him.

"That's enough! Kyurem you have to stop!" Alexis shouts angrily before Keldeo attacks Kyurem sending back a shock wave from the impact and freeing the Swords of Justice in the process.

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