Amira Village

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"Oh you're gonna love it here Cilan." Alexis says happily as she is walking with Cilan.

"I already love it here. It's absolutely beautiful." Cilan says happily.

"Well we're here." Alexis says as they arrive just outside the village.

"Simply beautiful. So where to?" Cilan asks as he look at Alexis.

"First I wanna find my parents. Let them know how my travels went and plus I know they won't let me hear the end of it if I just walk into the village without letting them know I'm there first." Alexis says as Cilan nods.

"Alright then. Lead the way. I'll follow you." Cilan says as he and Alexis begin walking before Alexis stops seeing a brown haired girl.

"Lily!" Alexis says as she realizes the girl is Lily in the distance.

"Alexis! It's so great to see you again." Lily says happily as she sees Alexis before coming over and hugging her.

"Friend of yours?" Cilan asks as Alexis nods.

"Yes. Lily this is my boyfriend Cilan. Lily here took my job at the gym after I left." Alexis says.

"Yup. Trained by Alexis herself. So what are you doing back here? I didn't think you would be back for a little while longer." Lily says.

"Actually we're looking for my parents. Have you seen them?" Alexis asks as Lily nods.

"Yeah. Come on. I'll show you to them. They'll be happy you're home." Lily says as she gestures for Alexis and Cilan to follow.


"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs. Parkson." Cilan says as he is walking with Alexis and her parents.

"Oh please dear. No need for formalities. Call us Terra and Liam. After all if our daughter thinks you're special enough to be her boyfriend then you must really be something." Terra says as she smiles.

"Well I think I'm the lucky one honestly. I don't know how I got so lucky to meet your daughter and I'm happy I did." Cilan says as Alexis blushes and smiles.

"Just surprised our daughter took interest in another gym leader. Kind of figured she would take interest in a trainer." Liam says.

"Dad!" Alexis says as Liam laughs.

"So have you given any thought dear as to being a gym leader again? What about you son?" Liam asks as he looks at Cilan.

"Well I wouldn't mind to be a gym leader again but I still enjoy travelling. Besides Lily seems to have kept things up to speed." Alexis says.

"I'm actually still wanting to finish becoming the best connoisseur in the world but I wouldn't mind settling down here after with Alexis. If she wants to." Cilan says.

"I'd love that Cilan." Alexis says happily as she looks at Cilan.

"The only problem is we don't own a house here. So we'd have to buy one when we're ready to settle." Cilan says as he runs the back of his neck.

"That's not a problem. Your mother and I already took care of that." Liam says.

"You did?" Alexis asks.

"Yep. We saved a house just outside the village especially for you when you came back. It has all kinds of space and plenty areas outside for your pokemon. It's simply beautiful." Terra says.

"That's amazing. Thank you." Alexis says.

"Yes thank you. That was very thoughtful." Cilan says as he smiles.

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