Chapter 1

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Rye didn't know what she was doing as she parked in front of the tiny store. There was only one other car in the parking lot of the shopping center, and it didn't sit well with her. She was at a loss as to what she was doing there. It was her day off she needed to be cleaning her house and trying to catch up on her sleep, but here she the friggin wish factory. It all boiled down to hope, it was stupid, but there it was. She was only nineteen, and she was living like a worn out middle-aged dropout. She had hope that her life wasn't going to be like that forever, so she wanted to give it a try. Still, it was foolish, and it was this back and forth that had kept her in her car for the last ten minutes instead of getting out and going in. Rolling her eyes, she shut her car off and climbed out. She made sure it was locked and that she had her pepper spray on her keychain firmly in hand as she walked through the dimly lit entryway. She saw only a counter and a small round table up against the wall. There wasn't any merchandise or wall decorations, an uneasy feeling began to surround her, and just as she was trying to back out without being heard, a voice sounded from behind the counter.

"Ah, welcome to The Wish Factory, I do apologize for the state of our store. We are brand new and just getting started." Rye looked around with a puzzled expression and couldn't keep from asking the obvious question.

"Why are you opening if you have no stock out?" The man moved forward gracefully, almost as if he was floating and she found it be incredibly unnerving. He was extremely tall, had to be at least six five and his eyes were, well they were a bright purple. She found herself staring at them until she shook her head, thinking they had to be contacts. He smiled serenely at her as he gestured her towards the table. Rye clenched the bottle tightly in her hand as she walked over, never turning her back to him and took a seat. He walked over soundlessly and sat across from her.

"I can understand your confusion, but I assure you that what you read was real. I am called Grady, and I am but a servant of the Other, and we have come to balance out this realm. There is too much despair, lying, grief, and crime. Too many innocents suffer needlessly because of the selfish, and we have come to cure it." Ryleigh knew that her mouth was open as she stared at him, she couldn't help it. What kind of nonsense was this? He smiled knowingly at her as he spoke again.

"I understand your confusion and your skepticism, but you are entitled to your complimentary wish. What will it be? You can have anything that your heart desires, and I will make it so. Though choose wisely because the next wish you don't get to choose, and it certainly isn't free." Ryleigh stood up as she eyed him, it was just too weird, she had to go.

"You know, I think I'm okay, my curiosity got the best of me, and yeah, I'm gonna go." He smiled again and gestured towards the door.

"Of course, you are free to leave; you are no prisoner. If the ad found you though, you have been deemed a worthy candidate. Of which wish, that I do not yet know, but you may take your leave. I do urge you to at least take your complimentary wish. Only speak what you wish, and it will be." Ryleigh had enough of this dude and the way he talked.

"Okay so if I asked for a million dollars to miraculously show up in my account for me to use as I want with no repercussions or taxes, could you make that happen?" Grady bowed his head and spread his arms out in front of him.

"Is that your wish, Ms. Jameson? Think wisely before you answer as this is the only free wish you will get." Ryleigh felt a shiver go down her spine as he said her name because she was pretty sure she hadn't given it. Rolling her eyes, ready to leave she threw her hands up.

"Of course, that is my wish!" Grady stood up and walked over to her and took her hand.

"Before I grant your wish, I would like to know your motivations for such a sum. You do not seem like a greedy girl, so please indulge my curiosity." Rye was taken aback by his question and the fact that she was suddenly calm and knew that he'd never harm her. She swallowed and without knowing why she answered him honestly.

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