Chapter 14

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When they made it to the entrance of the warehouse, Barry had to quickly put her down because a group of masked men was charging in their direction. Ryleigh pursed her lips once more and swept them aside with a motion of her arm. That was how they went through the building, as Rye knocked them against the walls, Barry tied them up. She could hear laughter and what sounded like swords hitting each other, and she knew they were close. Barry was nowhere to be seen at that moment, so she kept low and crept along the wall. She gasped when she saw Dig slumped against the wall, unconscious. She pressed her fingers against his throat and was so relieved at finding a pulse, she almost cried. She felt someone coming up behind her, and as she whirled around, it was too late. Slade Wilson stood in front of her with a smirk. She didn't want him to know about her powers just yet, but that didn't keep her from being scared. He towered over her he smirked and then glanced down at Diggle.

"Oh, don't worry, love, I didn't kill him yet. I want to do that in front of his master that he follows so blindly. You, though, I knew that he had a team of followers now, but I haven't seen you before." Ryleigh didn't answer him but glanced around her and didn't see anyone. He caught what she was doing and began to chuckle.

"Now now, I can be a gentleman when I want to be. You are looking for your crew; I take it? Follow me then, and I'll take you to them. You, grab him and bring him with us." Two of his men came out of nowhere, surprising her and picked Dig up. She thought briefly about intervening, but at that moment, Slade had the upper hand. He chuckled again, bringing her attention back to him.

"Oh, you're feisty, I can tell. You want so bad to take me out, but you have no idea what's going on here...I'm not the bad guy." She kept silent as she followed him into the middle of the warehouse, and she had to stifle her gasp. How the hell he'd gotten the best of the situation was beyond her, but there they all were. Roy, Oliver, Laurel, and even Barry were all on their knees with glowing metal cuffs around their hands and knees.

He came to a stop when he got next to Oliver and motioned his with his hand and a smirk. She thought that she'd be put into cuffs, but instead, the two men carrying Dig walked next to Laurel and dropped him very indelicately onto the concrete next to them. She gritted her teeth and jerked her face up to Slade's. He wasn't looking at her, though, he was looking at Oliver. Oliver's mask was off and his visible to everyone in the room, this was not good. He was shot in the arm, and his face was bloody. Barry was unconscious like Dig, but only Laurel looked unharmed in the lineup. Folding her arms in front of her, she caught Oliver's eye and mouthed "I'm sorry" before addressing Slade.

"Wait, are you going to tell me that you've suddenly developed a gentlemanly behavior towards women? You roughed up all of my friends, but leave Canary and me unharmed?" He slowly brought his attention back to her and took a couple of steps towards her. Oliver began to struggle, but when he did he, began to seize as if he was being shocked. It made sense right then why Barry was unconscious because he would have tried to use his speed to get out of the cuffs...meaning Slade had known about Barry all along. He was doing his best to intimidate her when he came to a stop in front of her and then looked at Laurel.

"I am not the one who murders women in this scenario, girl. Your friend over there is the one that has no qualms about killing women." She rolled her eyes and felt safe saying what she was about to say because of her memories of conversations with Oliver.

"Wait, you're still blaming Oliver for Shadow? Dude, that was like such a long time and war ago, get over it already! Oliver did not pull the trigger, that douche bag Ivo did. You, on the other hand, stand here pretending to be all noble, when you ran Mrs. Queen through with a sword right in front of him and his sister. I think you're way past trying to fool anyone about personality." Slade stared at her for a few seconds, as if he didn't know how to respond before he burst into laughter. She could tell that she'd pressed his buttons because though he was laughing, his eyes were glaring murder at her.

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