Chapter 9

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Here we go into a different show

Ryleigh stared at him for a minute before moving to sit beside him on the couch. She was surprised that he was there since he'd told her that she could leave at any time, but she had to go if the fob changed colors. When she looked down at the fob, she saw that it was indeed a different color, like a peach. She was also surprised by how the soreness she'd felt from getting stabbed was suddenly gone. It had disappeared the moment she'd realized that she was in her living room. It was something that they never really talked about on the show. Yes, vampire blood healed the wounds, but the soreness and pain didn't immediately go away. She finally walked over to where he sat on the couch and sat next to him. He was frowning at her, but it seemed more out of concern than anything. She turned herself to face him somewhat to make it easier for them to talk and she took a deep breath before speaking.

"I guess we do need to talk. That whole experience was fantastic, but that last bit? That was too much; no average person could see that and want to stay." Grady bowed his head for a moment and then replied, his face a little pensive.

"Well that's right to a certain point, but the real point is to realize that it's not real...yet. You're there to get to know your favorite characters and going through a scenario such as what you went through only strengthens bonds on that kind of show. As you saw, your friends were there, and they were anxious for you. Matt, however, may not get over you pushing him away such as you did." Ryleigh scoffed at his words; he had no clue.

"Please, there's no way that I'm going back there! That whole mess was insane from the beginning. I was attacked twice, and then I get stabbed by the hunter! Yeah, no way am I putting myself in that situation ever again." Grady smiled a somewhat knowing smile and stood up.

"Well, I always say 'never say never.' You had a strong bond with them so I wouldn't write them off completely. So, the recharge of the device is relative, but you were only there for a month, one full day here. It shouldn't take long for it to recharge and then you can pick a different realm to visit." Ryleigh shook her head; she didn't want to do it anymore. The idea was fun to think about, but after living it, she couldn't see herself going anywhere else. She held the fob out to him and shook her head once more.

"You can have this back; I don't see myself using it again." Grady held his hands up and backed away towards the front door.

"I'm not ready to accept defeat yet with you, Ms. Jameson. Sleep on it and try again in a different world once it's recharged. Call me anytime you need or want." After making the statement, he opened her front door to leave, but paused and glanced over at her.

"Oh yes, one more thing before I forget. Your absence from your life here is work-related. Your job sent you to a book expo to see about getting new vendors. Whenever you are in the other realms, your absence will be because of your work; it's the easiest excuse." Ryleigh started to say that they didn't do things like that, but when she went into her room, paperwork was on her bed. It had a list of book distributors and items that were going to be delivered to her store. She looked at the fob and rolled her eyes at it, placing it on the nightstand next to her bed. She'd never use it again; she was entirely sure of it.


Three days had passed since she'd returned from Mystic Falls and she was downright surly. She wasn't trying to be, and she tried to reign it in, but she was lonely. She'd gotten used to having friends to talk to regularly and hang out with. Now, she was back to her normal routine of working and taking care of her mother. Yes, she had money now, and she could see about enrolling into classes, but it wasn't the same. Her friends from high school had all moved on and weren't in town anymore. They didn't keep in contact with her, and she couldn't blame them because she didn't remain in contact with them either. So, when she came home from work after a late night, she was relieved to see the fob had turned back to its vibrant green color. She knew it was silly to try again and she definitely wasn't ready to back to Mystic Falls after what had happened. Still, being able to belong to a group of friends was something that she missed. Her mother was doing a lot better with her new routine, and she was almost completely off the alcohol, though she still had bad days. She sat down on her bed and stared at the fob, wondering if she could go through it again. She ignored it and got ready for bed. She got out of the shower and put on her pajamas when she walked back into her room. The fob was staring at her, the green glowing as if telling her to use it. Biting her lip, she picked it up and went into the living room. It couldn't hurt to try it once more and see how it went. She'd take Grady's advice and go to a different realm; Mystic Falls was out...for now. She closed her eyes and thought of her second favorite show. She pressed down on the correct button and touched the television, feeling the familiar tug and dizziness associated with teleporting into the fantasy of her choice. When it settled, and she knew that she wasn't in her living room anymore she glanced around, getting a feel for her surroundings.

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