Chapter 19

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Ryleigh didn't have time to process the kiss or the fact that she didn't mind it. She hugged him briefly before turning and running into A block. She'd just entered when an explosion rocked into the side of the main building, sending her to her knees. She ushered people out, telling them to get to safety. She then ran to the top of the staircase where Maggie helped Glenn get his shoes on. She ran over and grabbed her backpack that she'd left there as well as her jacket. She glanced at the two of them, unsure if she should stay with them or leave. They both rushed over to her once Glenn was fully dressed. Maggie grabbed her hand and led her and Glenn down the steps towards the exit. Rye knew what was going on and even knew she would survive, but it was the scariest situation she'd ever been in. This trumped being in an explosion with Oliver and being stabbed in Mystic Falls. Maggie pulled her hand, getting her attention.

"We have to get to the bus." She shouted over the noise. "It'll be leaving any minute!" They were down the steps and halfway to the door when another blast shook them all to the ground. The three of them helped each other maintain their balance before making their way outside.

It was absolute chaos as they dodged not just debris, but bullets and walkers as well. Maggie ushered Glenn towards the bus, but Ryleigh got separated from them due to a steady stream of undead. She was cornered with only her knife, which she gripped, ready to fight. Shots suddenly rang out, sending her would-be killers to the ground. She looked up and saw Carl standing in front of her with his gun raised. She rushed over to him and pulled him into a hug, relieved he was okay. He shook as he hugged her back, but quickly pulled away because it wasn't safe to stay where they were. Ryleigh took in big gulps of air as she thanked him.

"Thanks, kid, I appreciate the save. Where is your dad?" Carl's face fell as he pointed to the very battered Rick. He was standing next to Judith's bloody car seat, but there was no sign of Judith anywhere. Her face crumpled at the sight but couldn't say anything as Rick ran towards them. He had his own gun out and a bag slung over his shoulder. He glanced around them, not seeing any of their group and motioned for them to follow. He spoke as he ran. They were still dodging bony, grabby hands and falling debris from the now destroyed prison that had once been their safe haven.

"Let's go!" He yelled, "We have to get out of here!" They made their way towards the downed fence. Their progress was slowed by the concrete, rocks, and bodies that littered the yard, but also due to Rick's injuries. Rick stopped in his tracks and faced Ryleigh, holding out a handgun to her. She hesitated to take it, so he grabbed her hand and pressed the gun into her palm, forcing her to accept it.

They finally made it out and onto the railroad tracks. Ryleigh stopped and looked around for any sight of the one person she longed to see. Daryl had told her to meet him there, but what if he'd assumed she hadn't made it? She knew from the show that he was with Beth, but she couldn't remember if Daryl ended up on the tracks at all or not. Rick and Carl had walked quite a distance ahead of her when they realized she'd stopped walking and wasn't with them. Rick called out to her as quietly as possible, his voice hoarse from his injuries.

"Ryleigh, it's not safe to stay here, we have to keep moving." She looked over at him, her eyes filling with tears as the adrenaline began to wear off. She looked around again as she answered him.

"Daryl told me to meet him at the tracks. He should be here, he wouldn't leave without, he wouldn't leave." Rick walked back to her, his face soft as he placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Ryleigh, if anyone made it out," he lamented. "It was Daryl. He'll find us, he's the most efficient tracker I've ever seen. In the meantime, we have to keep moving." She knew he was right, especially as she got her fist really clear look at Rick. She nodded as she began walking again.

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