Day 2

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That sound was annoying , I opened my eyes and reached out to my phone as I turned the alarm off.

I watched the ceiling for a while as I smiled.

I remember how happy I felt about going out after a rainy night.

I got ready and ran downstairs where my father was waiting for me.

He did not give me a ride because we were close or anything , it was on his way and felt convenient for him so he would drop there about one hour earlier than first period.

Even though the silence was awkward and heavy while still in the car , everything got better when we finally arrived.

Not like I loved that place but I enjoyed every step I took under that cloudy sky and above that wet ground.

I walked once again into that empty library and she was there on the same table.

I sat down on my usual place and did not expect her to actually talk to me.

''Good morning''

She smiled saying.

I greeted her back at once and while looking at her I realized that she was not wearing much , just one sweater on that cold day , I wondered why but never dared to ask her since at the end of the day it was her own business.

One male classmate then joined us.

He would talk to me whenever we ran towards each other since we liked the same music.

He sat with us and started a conversation about a new singer's album and we were both into it.

I enjoyed talking to them very much and so time passed by way faster than the usual and we walked together to the class.

On our way there we ran into Annabel and she was as talkative as ever.

She was so open about herself and even called me a friend , I was very surprised but did not practically hate it.

Since we walked in together we sat next to each other and had these small talks and comments during that class.

Physics was not as boring as ever.

Once we were done and while I was gathering my stuff I remember how excited Annabel looked.

I did not ask her but she told me the reason.

She said that she was finally able to go out with her crush and asked us to wait for her while she goes and talk to him for a while.

We sat down watching her leave and I enjoyed the silence.

Even though I did not know what I was doing there , I could not refuse her after she looked that happy.

I wanted to wait.

Hazel started a random conversation with me about how they used to see me alone in class and called me 'The hoodie girl' because I loved hoodies so much and I would wear them every single day especially a red one that I got recently for that specific winter.

I found it funny but I held back my laugh at the time.

We talked for about an hour about the weather , music , movies and other stuff before Annabel finally came back.

Her eyes were sparkling in happiness.

I smiled at how adorable I found the fact of falling in love even though I was not interested in my own but I could not help finding other's love stories interesting.

We walked outside together and I remember how she told me her whole story , her past and all of her ex boyfriends and the way they treated her.

Most of her relationships did not end very well.

I did not have time to be surprised about her telling me so much while we just became friends but I felt sorry for her because she just wanted to find love and yet was not able to.

Hazel told us that she was into someone from our class and that they started talking recently.

She blushed while telling us which made me think that she was in love.

I did not have much to say since I was never interested in anyone romantically but I enjoyed listening to them.

We got a little closer after that day.

Even though I would feel left out most of the time , I never complained because those two were best friends while I was just their friend and I was happy with it.

''We are going out''

When Hazel told us about how her crush asked her out we were glad because she smiled.

She was trying to hide her excitement about their first date even though they were just going to hang out in college , I could tell her heart was all over the place.

'She must have found someone great'

I thought.

I was standing next to Annabel who was taking some selfies when I saw her.

Little Hazel next to that tall guy.

They were sitting next to each other while talking and of course I had no clue what they were talking about.

Something felt so wrong.

I did not know if she was just too shy but she looked so stressed out.

She kept moving her ring from a finger to another one while her legs would not stop shaking.

The expression on her face is still drawn inside my head very well , she was disappointed.

Hazel joined us soon later.

''How was it ?''

Annabel asked.

And since she smiled replying ''Good'' I did not bring anything up because I could have just misread the whole situation.

Hazel kept dating that guy who was obviously nothing like what she dreamed of but what did I even know about love to judge her relationship ?

Sometimes I wish I did tell her.

But me feeling left out was only growing more.

Since they would both go see their boyfriends while I go back home alone.

They would ask me to wait for them but I made up some excuses so that I can leave first.

Annabel's relationship did not seem to be going well at all.

I did not know why but when I saw her with her so called 'Boyfriend' I realized that he was just not interested but what I could not understand was why did he give her so much hope by getting her into that relationship.

Even though Hazel was supposed to be the happier it felt like she was not.

She would suddenly stop talking , go quiet and space out a lot.

She must have been going through a lot but did not want us to worry.

I wished I could ask her what was on her mind back then because all I have left now is regret.

They both knew that I was that quiet girl who loves anime and rain and doesn't have much friends so I appreciated them taking me in.

Even though they would start talking about a lot of things that I had never heard of but I never showed or told that I was bothered by it.

I thought that as long as I was okay with it , everything would be fine but that was not the case after all...

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