Day 6

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We sadly walked of that classroom without fixing anything.

I did not know what to say or do because I was scared.

I trusted Hazel and I still do , I would trust her with my own life forever but I could not possibly say the same about Lilith who was only a stranger in my eyes.

It was raining again.

A month before exams , we stopped talking again.

My cats were sick and most of their newborn kittens died and I was very sad.

My father had cancer and I did not know how to feel about it.

We never got along and he was violent and harmful but I wished for him to live.

I just had to run away from everything again.

I wish I was brave enough to face those things but I was not.

I would sleep all day , sometimes I would study for exams or try to enjoy watching something.

But I would think of her through my day at least a couple of times and wonder if she was thinking about me as well.

You might say 'You could have just texted her' and if it was so easy I would , I swear I would but I could not do it.

Only if I knew that I was losing her I would have probably done it.

It was finally exam's period.

I arrived first and took a seat as the other classmates started arriving one by one.

Hazel walked in followed by Lilith , they both walked right past me , I do not care about that girl but Hazel ignored me.

I could not focus all day long.

The same thing happened the day after and the day after that as well.

They would walk in and out together and I just had to watch all of the things I feared becoming true.

I was riding the taxi when I saw her walking the path we used to share alone.

I can not remember what happened but I just asked the driver to drop me there , I was shaking.

I do not think she know but I actually started recording , My phone was in my pocket as I leaned against that wall waiting for her to come closer.

She was about to walk past me once more but I stopped her , I called out her name and Hazel heard me and gave me a chance.

It was probably out of pity since I must have looked so desperate but I did not mind at all , as long as I can hug her again then it was alright.

I still have that recording and it sucks very much.


We talked about the past month and it was mostly me explaining to her why she should not give up on me yet.

I did not tell her that I love her that day but I wish she saw it in everything else I did and said.

The silence was awkward , it made me regret it all because I knew that I did hurt her and the fact that she was ready to talk to me again was going to tear me apart.

We talked all the way home , I remember when I saw her off at the bus station I texted her something like 'I will definitely make it up to you' I guess I did not after all.

We started talking again.

Lilith was surprised , I guess she saw that Hazel was not talking to me and decided to do the same.

She walked towards us and I decided that no one would ever make us get into such a huge fight ever again.

Not even her.

I tried to get along with her , I did not talk to Hazel about her even though I was still annoyed by her actions and words.

I said I would bear with it.

That semester came to an end , my birthday was coming soon while I was hating my life more and more.

I remember how Hazel showed up at my door along with her mother and sister holding a cake , drinks and a gift as well.

I wanted to hug her longer but I would have cried immediately.

We all celebrated it together and I only took a small bite of that cake.

Sorry that I can not remember what it tasted like because I was just too happy and finally after holding back those tears just had to start falling.

I felt that we were a family , I have always wished since the day we met for Hazel to be my real sister.

My little sister used to get jealous whenever I mentioned Hazel saying that all I talk about was her and even now I still do.

That moment is very dear to my heart.

Hazel's mother whispered few words into my ear 'Don't let it happen again'.

She meant our recent fight , she must have realized that I was a toxic friend but she also decided to give me a chance.

So this time I broke the promise I made to the both of them and I am sorry.

That was and will forever be my favorite birthday of all times , how not while you were right there next to me.

The black sweater she got me was very much her style.

I do not remember if she ever saw me wearing it but this past winter I wore it whenever I went out.

I wished I would run into Hazel and that she might feel a little sorry for me as well but that did not happen.

That sweater is my favorite.

After the birthday party we were closer than ever and I liked it very much.

Hazel and I were trying our best to get over everything together , at that time it felt like it was us against the world and I had a feeling that we could make it.

That time I was determined that I would never hurt Hazel again.

While my father was in the hospital after his successful surgery she came to my house for a sleepover.

It was just me , my little sister and Hazel.

I left them watching a horror movie while I went to make dinner.

When I came back my little sister was sleeping already so we had dinner by ourselves.

She barely ate a thing and I could not eat as well.

The sadness in her eyes made me doubt everything.

When we talked about her worries I was glad that I was not the one who caused them but I did not like the painful expression she showed.

I prayed for her , tried to make her forget , said funny shit and all.

At the end of the night I fell asleep by her side after we talked for a while , I do not usually fall asleep so fast but when she was there It felt so peaceful.

I remember waking up in the middle of the night.

I could not go back to sleep no matter how hard I tried and so I quietly moved to the other room.

I watched some YouTube videos and tried to listen to some Lo-fi music but nothing worked.

But few hours later Hazel showed up and asked me what I was doing.

I said I was not able to fall asleep and I remember how she hugged me , we sat next to each other on that bed and talked for a couple of hours.

It seemed like I fell asleep again.

I have always wanted to tell her this 'I am sorry that I fell asleep that night'

I just feel like she wanted to tell me a lot but my body just gave up once again and she woke up wearing the same expression.

Maybe I can never make her as happy as she deserves to be...

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