Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

My day started again.  The difference was that I was exhausted and sore.  He had not been the only one to suffer from our night of passion. 

It was the day of the Tournament.  The day started with a small breakfast banquet before our guest joined the warriors and their men on the tournament field.  In the days leading up to the event the tradesmen and gardeners had worked hard to create arena that now existed there. It looked quite impressive.  Being the hostess, it was my job to present the face of the Kingdom, smile, greet the guests, smile, ensure the day ran perfectly, smile, ensure that the King and the Kingdom impressed our guests, and smile.

The cleanup of the hall was completed before most of the guests woke.  I greeted them all for the morning banquet.  I held my head high and did not mention the previous night.  They were polite enough not to either.  The men were all on the field preparing so only the spectators were in the hall. 

The Tournament would begin midmorning with the jousting, a light lunch of cold meats would be served in the tent, then the in the afternoon the swordsmanship duels would begin.  These would run all afternoon finishing with the feast and dance that evening.  It was a long day and which would have been longer had we not been blessed with good weather.  I looked up at the blue sky and breathed a sigh - if nothing else rain, on a day like today, made the King furious.

I made sure everyone was well aware of their jobs and left Joyce to co-ordinate the feast as I went to prepare to attend the competition. 

Aine and I walked in silence to the tournament field next to the hall. I had spent much of the morning in silence.  When busy I did not have the time to contemplate what I must do this evening.  But now I would be idle.  I forced the smile back on my face as I took my place in the royal box only to be ignored by the King. 

On each side of the Royal box was the seating for the nobility then benches for the commoners.  In front of me was a broad field which was bordered by a row of flags, representing the Knights who were competing.  Each flag held its own story.  I looked and wondered which one would be Torc’s?  At the far end were small brightly coloured tents stretching in an arc.  These allowed the men to dress and rest in private.  Each was decorated with flags and other colours.  It wasn’t hard to find Torc’s tent.  He flew his shirt with my blood on it from the central pole, high above the seven other pieces of sheet with their red marks on them.  I quickly turned my attention elsewhere, lest I embarrass myself by blushing remembering our night of love or by shedding tears through thinking of the task ahead of me.

Aine and I had arrived late in proceedings.  So with the final joust complete the King awarded the victor and the crowd clapped generously.  I noticed Torc amongst the men.  It wasn’t difficult to find him.  His eyes were on me.  He might not have won this portion of the day but he had done well.  He still stood a chance of winning should he and his men do well in the afternoon.

After lunch the Swordmanship Trials began.  These were always held by hierarchy.  But first the competitors were presented to the King and his guests.

The men lined up and the Lords stepped forward.  Each stepped forward and announced whose favour he carried.  Percy step forward and announced that he carried the favour of Fleur De Bruge he held up an embroidered design in the same way the other Lords had.  From the corner of my eye I saw the King turn and his finger twitched at this but he said nothing.   

“I carry the favour of my once Virgin Lover, who shall remain nameless.  Her token is her scent still fresh on my body.  I shall honour her today.” Torc said boldly and he looked away from me into the crowded seats of the noble women. 

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