Season 1 - 5

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This is really not what Jennie's been expecting when she decided to drop by Y/n's apartment, unannounced. She's wearing a matching lingerie set, for fuck's sake. The one she bought specifically for the occasion, no less.

So her surprise at having found another hot blonde in Y/n's apartment when she's come there with one purpose in mind is completely justified, in her opinion.

It's not like they are dating, so technically this isn't cheating. It's not like Jennie has any feelings at all. Well, she does have pride, and she's not going to lie - if Y/n's two-timing her, it does sting a little bit. Not to mention it messes her plan up quite a bit.

All those thoughts fly through her head in a second as she stands at Y/n's door, gaping at a tall blonde woman frowning back at her. She's all sharp gaze and sharp cheekbones, and when it's clear she isn't going to acknowledge Jennie in any way other than judgmentally studying her, Jennie clears her throat and speaks.

"Is, uh, is Y/n home?"

The woman's confused frown turns into a scowl. "You must be Jennie." Well, this is taking hospitality to a whole new level - one far below the usual socially acceptable standard.

"That's me," Jennie tries not to stutter. She's not easily scared, usually. But this woman has quite an intimidating presence. Now that Jennie gets a closer look at her, gets past her first assumption, she can see she doesn't look like she's just been fooling around. In fact, she looks impeccable, dressed in a manner similar to Y/n herself. Her stance resembles Y/n's, too: tall and proud, if a bit sleeker. Just a touch more predatory.

So Y/n's not cheating -- not seeing other people, Jennie corrects herself. Who is this woman, then? An associate? Do business associates frequent each other's apartments?



Oh, so this is -- oh. This is only the most important person in Y/n's life, as Kai once put it. Tzuyu Chou. Y/n's advisor and business partner. And judging by her glare, she is not a fan of Jennie. "Y/n," She replies in kind, not taking her eyes off Jennie. "I was merely making the acquaintance of Miss Kim."

Jennie has to bite her tongue to hold a jab she really, really wants to make. But something tells her that pissing Tzuyu off is a poor decision. She needs to ask Kai about her later. But now, she shifts her gaze from Tzuyu to Y/n and feels a small smile tug at the corner of her lips when deep black meets vibrant deep brown. "Hey."

Y/n's voice softens, so subtly Jennie almost misses it. "Hello, Jennie. Is everything okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Jennie contemplates whether pushing past Tzuyu and entering the room would be wise. In the end, her stubbornness wins. She edges past Tzuyu, slightly brushing her shoulder with her own as she walks in to give Y/n a soft kiss on the cheek. "I wanted to see you," she says quietly, watching Y/n's eyes soften with a smile that doesn't quite reach her lips. "I'm sorry if this isn't a good time. Wanted to surprise you."

"You did," Y/n lets her know, that barely-there smile still dancing across her lips like a fading shadow. "Thank you."

"A weird thing to be thankful for."

"Not quite how I see it."

"Then Miss Kim and I are more alike than I thought." Right, Tzuyu.

Still very present and very much not a fan of Tzuyu. What has Y/n been telling her to have her this angry with her seconds after meeting her - barely?

Jennie struggles against the urge to childishly roll her eyes and turns away from Y/n to face Tzuyu who's still standing near the door. She hasn't closed it, Jennie notes. Interesting. "I'm sorry, this is really rude of me," she says with a smile that becomes a touch warmer when she feels Y/n's tentative hand on the small of her back in silent support.

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