Season 3 - 9

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The idea seemed brilliant at the time. As the execution inches closer, however, her self-doubt is skyrocketing. But, hey - nothing new here. Especially when it comes to Y/n.

She swears, every goddamn week she's got brand new material to discuss with Dr. Park during her individual sessions.

This is stupid, she harshly tells herself, clutching the picnic basket's handle as she steps out of the car. A little spontaneity never hurt anyone. What's the worst that could happen?

She tries not to think about the well-known fact that these are the famous last words before something terrible actually does happen.

Jisoo calls her just as she's about to knock on Y/n's door. "I got it! I got the job!"

For a second, Jennie forgets about her nerves. "Oh my God! Really?"

"No, it's a prank," Jisoo says dryly. "What the fuck do you mean really?"

Jennie laughs. "Sorry," she says. "Sorry, I'm just - I'm so happy for you. I know how much this means to you."

"Thanks, Jennie." She can hear a genuine smile in her friend's voice, and it makes her smile as well. "What are you up to? I say you come over with a giant pizza and outrageously expensive wine that I know for a fact you can afford."

"Oh, um," she hesitates at that. On one hand, there's a surprise she's been planning for a week. On the other hand, Jisoo's been waiting for this for much longer. She sighs. "Yeah. I'll be right over, give me twenty minutes or so--"

The door in front of her opens just before she turns around and leaves. "I thought I heard you," Y/n says, managing to keep most of her surprise out of her voice. She gives her a quick once-over, a lopsided grin appearing on her lips when she notices the picnic basket. "Well...Hi?"

"I, uh - hi," Jennie stumbles, eyes wide. This is so not how she's imagined it going.

"Is that Y/n? Shit, am I interrupting?"

"No, no, you're fine, I just..." Jennie sighs into the phone. Before she can say anything else, Jisoo's talking again.

"Dude, you should've told me. It's cool, I'll see you tomorrow. Tell her I said hi."

"Jisoo--" Jennie tries again, shooting Y/n an apologetic glance, who just looks more and more amused.

"Jennie, it's okay," Jisoo says, smiling. "I kind of sprang it on you. Call me tomorrow, okay?"

She surrenders. "Okay. First thing in the morning."

Jisoo snorts. "Don't even try me before lunch." And promptly hangs up, leaving Jennie alone with a smiling Y/n. "Um," she says. "Hi?"

Y/n chuckles as she steps closer to her, and some of the tension evaporates from her body when she slowly entwines her arms around her waist. "Hi," she whispers before leaning in for a soft, slow kiss.

Jennie sighs, almost involuntarily, when they part. "I was wondering why you were so adamant about finding out whether I was home."

"Now you know," Jennie chuckles, raising the basket up to show it to Y/n, even though she's already seen it. "It's a beautiful day outside."

Y/n's gaze sparkles with something that fills Jennie's chest to the brim. "It is."


They end up going to the park where Y/n took her on their third date. She doesn't know if Y/n considered it a date, but she definitely does. She remembers the snow covering the cold ground as they sat on a bench and ate burgers. Sounds bizarre now that she thinks about it.

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