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Hey, sorry! But before starting, I would like to leave the Author that gave me this idea in the first place (Ssjnatsu), please go read their story about this! I really liked it and wanted to make my own version of it.(A.K.A remake) But without further ado, you may start reading.

Pov:No one

Natsu barges into the Guild and looks around for his fellow dragon slayers, Gajeel, Wendy, Cobra, and Laxus. He sees them all sitting at the same table and walks over to them, sitting down next to Wendy.

"What are you guys talking about?" The pinkette asked.

"We're trying to decide on what kind of song to do next." Wendy informed.

"I think we should do classic rock," Gajeel suggested.

"No way, we should do a rap song," Cobra suggested.

"How about a romantic song..?" Wendy squeaked.

"How about a moody song?" Laxus spoke.

The three of them started arguing, minus Wendy cause she was scared to get yelled at and just stayed out of the arguing. Then Natsu finally chimed in.

"How about we just do a happy, chill, and pump up song?" He suggested.

They all looked at him and thought for a minute, then all looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Good, now let's go get Sting and Rogue so that we can go back to my place and start making it." Natsu said, getting up and walking over to the Guild doors.

"Not so fast Natsu," the familiar voice of Makarov spoke.

"Huh? What's up Gramps?" Natsu replied.

"I need to speak with you and Gajeel for a moment." Makarov said.

Natsu and Gajeel looked at each other and shrugged. Walking over to Makarov.

"You two have been recommended for a job request. The requester wants you two to retrieve a sort of metal that's only found in MetalTree Hollow." Makarov explained.

"I could do this job myself, why does Salamander have to come with me?" Gajeel spoke.

"The requester needs you to melt the metal and bring it back, in order for you to melt it you need Natsus flames." Makarov said.

Gajeel groaned and rolled his eyes. Agreeing on the job and taking the flyer from Makarov. Both dragon slayers walked out the Guild and went home to pack. They met in the center of Magnolia and then made their way towards the train.

"Do we have to..." Natsu groaned, feeling sick by just looking at the train.

"I don't wanna get on this death trap anymore than you do, so let's just get this over with.." the iron mage sighed.

They boarded the train and spent three sick hours on it. They stopped at their destination and got off, instantly throwing up in some nearby bushes.

"We have to ride it back.. don't we.." Natsu groaned.

Gajeel was too busy throwing up to answer. After their.. incident, they headed to where the requester lived. Standing in front of a small cabin with a small trinket shop next to it. The two mages entered and spoke with the requester whose name was Tsusami.(Su-sa-mi) She explained that she needed this metal in order to make a necklace for her father who died last week. She wanted to make the necklace to give to her mother as a last gift to remember her father. The two mages listened and agreed one more time. Tsusami gave them a map and then thanked them for agreeing to take the job. Natsu and Gajeel set out on the mission, retrieved the metal and gave it to Tsusami, who in return gave them two free trinkets each. The mages thanked her and went back to the train station, feeling sick once more.

They boarded the train, suffering another three hours before getting off and entering back in Magnolia. They walked back to the Guild and met back up with the other dragon slayers. Then they all left and went over to Sabertooth. They picked up Sting and Rogue and then headed to Natsus house.

"So, you never told me, but what kind of song are we doing?" Sting asked, sitting on Natsus red couch.

"Oh right, we're doing a sort of happiness mixed with chill mixed with pumped up kind of song." Natsu replied.

"That's an interesting mix.." Rogue commented.

"That's the point? We can't just make a song that's only one type like just happy or just talking about sad things. We gotta mix it up!" Natsu obligated.

Natsu walked up to his room and got the recording equipment out. The others sat around and Rogue brought drinks for everyone. For some odd reason everyone's cup was filled with their certain drink. Cobra had poison, Gajeel had iron, Sting had white magic arrows and rods. Rogue had some weird black looking drink, Natsu had a torch. Laxus and Wendy just got water due to not being able to get lightning inside a cup along with Wendy would have just gotten an empty cup due to her being able to eat air.

"Natsu.. why do you have poison in your house?" Sting asked.

"Well, Cobra sometimes comes over and he's picky as fuck so I just get a gallon of poison to let him drink." Natsu explained.

Everyone except Natsu looked over at Cobra.

"What?" Cobra snapped, annoyed that they were looking at him.

Natsu set up the equipment and then took a bite out of his torch, setting it back in the cup.

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