Chapter one: 'Sammy'

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'Sammy! I'm bored, let me talk to you!'

Sam would jolt upright in bed, spooked out of his mind. "Fucking hell Tabitha! Scare the life out of me you little cunt!" Sam would complain, his head becoming foggy. "Now I can't think."

'Sorry Sammy.'

"S' all right." He would respond.

He would groan, he felt wrong. His stomach didn't feel right, he felt sick. A little nauseous almost. He would kick off his blankets and get out of bed, 'god dammit, my fucking uniform is still on.' He would think to himself, going to his closet and putting on something more casual.

He would grab his phone, heading downstairs and into the kitchen. He assumed he was hungry, but he wasn't sure since after his death he never really felt it.

He would sigh, making himself some cereal and sitting down. He ate it quickly, not really remembering much about how he used to when he was alive. He didn't think about that too much anyway.

He would head back upstairs after washing his dish, ready to get a shower for the day. He would pause for a minute at his door and go quiet.

The feeling would come back, his vision swaying a little and the nausea being more prominent. He would freeze. He gagged a little and covered his mouth going to the bathroom. He would lean over the toilet, before throwing up. He would feel another wave of sudden nausea come over his and he would sit on his knees, vomiting his breakfast for a good couple minutes.

He didn't notice he was shaking. He didn't notice his hands gripping the edge or the violent involuntary twitches he would occasionally do.

He would take a breath after the last round of vomit came up and squeeze his eyes even tighter shut.

'Sammy? You ok?'

"Not now Tabitha, Ive just fucking-"

His body would lurch with another gag and he would dry-heave over the bowl for a minute.

'Sam? Are you okay? What happened?'

"Fuck- sorry Tabi- Hmph- I feel like I'm gonna puke again give me two minutes-"

He would say before throwing up again into the toilet. His stomach would audibly churn as he took some deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He felt incredibly warm, sweat was dripping down his face.

'Your sick? What's wrong?'


He would beg.

"Give me a minute."

Tabitha would hush her voice and he would try collect himself.

Samuel, are you alright? Where stories live. Discover now