Chapter 7: cup of coffee

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"Is that better kiddo?" His dad would ask, placing a hand on Sam's shoulder. He would nod, holding the scaling cup to his chin, blowing on the cup to get it to cool faster. After a few minutes he took a sip; the warm coffee taste filled his mouth, a nice change from the minty toothpaste he'd used to brush his teeth.

He would sigh, letting his eyes close as his dad spoke to him, "you like it?" His dad would chuckle. Sam would nod, feeling the soft sense of relief and familiarity after taking another sip. He would visibly relax, his shoulders not tensed anymore and his posture slightly slouched.

He would listen to his dad ramble about something along the lines of the coffee powder he used, probably the off-brand french crap he had owned since his death day that now sat in his cupboard never being used. That was unless he'd brought his own, which was unlikely.

Sam's hearing would fade a little, enclosing him in his own dark world. Had he fallen asleep? He should wake up before his dad notices and looses interest in talking.

He took a breath, realising the peace of the place he had been sent to; a dark windowless room, pitch black walls with the only light coming from the creases between floor and wall and ceiling tile. He looked around, his vision blurred. It felt like he was in a stop motion.

He would sit, feeling faint. His mind would blur and the peaceful tranquility became terrifying darkness. Sam would clutch his sleeves, pulling his hoodie down. He would start to panic feeling ill, his head aching.

The first thought was that he shouldn't be getting a headache, Tabitha wasn't talking. He stood, his head spinning again, mind in another place. "Tabi? Tabitha are you there?"

He would yell in pain as a spike of pain shot through his head. He tried to think, but his brain hurting so much that everything he thought sent waves of agony over him. He called out again, starting to feel extremely nauseous with the foggy pain he was in, "Tabitha? Dad?" He would yell, only for it to make him cry out again. His voice echoed against the walls, just making it so so much worse then it had been.

He would squeeze his eyes shut, as tight as he could, trying to wake himself up. After several failed, useless attempts he would finally be greeted with the light of his room. The achievement would only last for a second though, as the nausea would hit him like a truck.

He gagged and covered his mouth, practically running to his bathroom. He didn't know what was going on with him, why did he feel so shit? He took a guess, that his body wasn't used to trying to drink anything other then what he ate food with. He held the thought when he gagged and choked it up into the bowl.

'Sammy? Sam are you ok?'

"Shi' Tabi my head, please quieten down a little bit-" he would say as he lapsed into a coughing fit, now continuously twitching violently.

'Sammy what's going on? What happened?' She would whisper.

"Shit-" he would gag, forcing himself to stay calm. "Don't know Tabi, don't-" he would stutter, unable to speak anymore.

'Sam? Sammy!'

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