Memory log: ŪñKÑøŵÑ

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Welcome, to the memory logs of Samuel Harper. Here you will find his stored memories of incidents that have scarred, traumatised, saddened, terrified or ended him throughout his life, and after.

Person/s: Samuel, ŪñKÑøŵÑ.
Place: ŪñKÑøŵÑ
Date: 2006 or later.

"Where am I? Why is it so dark? What's going on?"
"Tabi? Can you hear me?"
"Why am I not moving? Oh god not again..."
"Don't do this to me, I've only just forgotten."


"I didn't want to remember that, why would you make me?"
"You know I despise ma', why would you do this...?"
"Fuck, a new one is starting. Who are you?"


"... was that what happened that night? Ma'... she... Is that why I don't remember anything?"
"Please don't show me anymore, I can't deal with another shut-down."


"Please let me out. I feel blank. I just want to think or cry, and I can't."


"I'm shaking. Why am I shaking? Am I in my own mind? Ah, panic attack."
"Ma'... she hurt me? I don't remember that ever happening, not at all. Fuck, don't cry it'll hurt more."
"Maybe that's why I get headaches so often..."

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