Memory log: 2006 Samuel.

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Welcome, to the memory logs of Samuel Harper. Here you will find his stored memories of incidents that have scarred, traumatised, saddened, terrified or ended him throughout his life, and after.

Person/s: Samuel, 26 years old.
Place:  Toby's pizza palace.
Date: December 10th 2006.

"Welcome back? Who's spray painting welcome back on the walls?"

"Right, what do you need me to do 'oh mighty voice over'?"

"Elix? Which one is that again? The pink one? Sorry sorry, red."

"What's wrong with her?"

"The what? The ring? Ooh, the spinning thing, ok. Don't you need a professional to fix that?"

"No? Ok."

"Ok let's see what's going on here... hm? What was tha- a bolt? Fuck, that can't be good."

"Was that... MOVE-"

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