002. strawberry is superior

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002. strawberry is superior

              Tara inhaled deeply as she neared the front door of the diner a few steps away. Though she had grown up in the public eye, she still felt herself growing nervous whenever she was meeting new people. Tara knew she had no reason to worry, if they weren't people worth being around, Jenna and Liana wouldn't have been so eager for her to meet them all this time. The pair had been trying to arrange a meetup between Tara and the other cast members of Scream VI, however something would always prevent it from happening whether it was on Tara's end, or theirs.

Tara felt her heart beat practically break through her body as she pushed open the door to the cute little diner her and her friends usually found themselves at in their free time. It was a mid sized place, it kind of reminded her of the diner in Hilary Duffs, "A Cinderella Story", which is part of why she enjoyed going there so much. Tara's eyes scanned over the room as she searched for the group of friends. "Tara!" Someone exclaimed from a corner in the backside of the building, her eyes snapped to where the voice came from. She smiled brightly as she walked towards the girl who yelled her name, it was Liana, and of course, the moment she yelled her name, the others at the table all turned back to see the brown haired girl now walking their way.

Jenna got up and greeted her with a tight hug, squealing excitedly, "I missed you so much!". Tara hugged back instantly, doing a sway as she held the small girl. "I missed you more my love." Tara giggled, letting go of her and facing the rest of the group. Liana let out a small laugh, "If I didn't know y'all I would think the two of you were a couple."

Tara smiled at the three faces she had yet to see in person, holding out her hand to the girl sitting in front of her. "Hi! I'm Tara, you must be Jasmin." Tara beamed, the girl took her hand and gave it a slight shake, nodding her head happily. "Yes ma'am that is me! It's so nice to finally meet you." Jasmin said happily. "And as you probably know, this is Devyn and Jack." Jenna motioned to the two sitting beside Jasmin, and of course Tara shifted her attention from Jasmin onto them.

She turned to Devyn first, she went in for a handshake as well, but instead was pulled into a friendly hug. "Sorry! I'm more of a hugger, I hope you dont mind." Devyn giggled, feeling her face grow warm, hoping she didn't cross any boundaries or make her uncomfortable. Tara let out a small laugh, "No don't worry! I'm a hugger too, trust me." She reassured her. She then faced the curly headed boy sitting quietly, "Jack. Hi, I'm Tara." She smiled warmly, lending her hand out to shake.  Jack looked up to her, returning a bright smile once their eyes met, "Nice to meet you Tara." He grinned, a loose grip on her hand, afraid to hurt her small hands. She let go, scanning the table to find a seat, all of the chair were full, except the one across from Jack and next to Liana, so she walked around the table to seat herself there.

The group sat and talked for a while, everybody decided on milkshakes when it was time to order. Tara giggled to herself as she snuck glances at the boy in front of her drinking from his vanilla milkshake. "Is there a problem, miss Tara?" Jack asked the brunette, raising an eyebrow. Tara's face burned bright red and shook her head quickly, "No, no, not at all. It's just a bit odd to see you drink something as plain as that." She teased slightly, leaning forward in her chair to rest her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Plain? Vanilla is not plain. I don't know why you'd even think that." Jack defended himself, playfully rolling his eyes. Tara scoffed jokingly, "Everybody knows strawberry ice cream is the superior option." Shrugging her shoulders as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Jack shook his head laughing slightly, "Wouldn't know, I've never had it."

Tara gasped dramatically, earning the attention of the rest of the table, who had previously been in a conversation of their own. "What happened?" Devyn asked, confused by the expression of betrayal showing on Tara's face. "Jack has never tried strawberry ice cream." She sighs, dramatically throwing her head back in despair. "My lord, you are so dramatic. Strawberry is her favorite flavor, so she thinks that everyone in the world must agree with her." Jenna laughs, facing Jacks direction while jokingly rolling her eyes.

"I mean, I'll try it if you want me to." Jack mentioned, his face growing slightly pink, earning a side eye and a kick to the foot from Devyn next to him.  Tara smiled, "I mean, it's the only way we could possibly call ourselves friends." She said, pushing her shake across the table for him to try, to which he did. "Okay, you're valid." He said, proceeding to try to drink the rest in one gulp, earning a slap to the hand by the pretty girl in front of him. Jack let out a small laugh, handing the shake back to her, then turning to join the conversation that the others had started about whether shakes or sundaes were better.

Tara smiled softly, listening to the five friends argue over who was right and who was wrong. She thought to herself how she could imagine surrounding herself with these people more often. They weren't as intimidating as she imagined them to be, Devyn and Jasmin were very pretty girls, they gave off an energy that made you feel comfortable to be around them. She glanced at Jack for a moment, observing his facial features and his curly brown hair, he definitely was as handsome as he was on his movies.

Authors Note !
whew, i hope that wasnt too bad.
need them to fall in love rn

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