036. so, what now?

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036. so, what now?

TARA WRAPPED HER ARMS AROUND herself tightly, goosebumps rising on her skin as the cold air embraced her body as she exited her bedroom. A million emotions whirled through her mind at once, she couldn't help but wonder why Jack would go through the extensive effort to talk to her after all that's happened between them. Nonetheless, she still walked towards her front door to let the boy inside.

As she reached the door, she extender her hand out to the doorknob, opening the door quickly so she could get back to her blankets. "Come in, and hurry I'm freezing." She greeted, her voice was small and timid, it was impossible to hold back her nerves. Jack didn't say anything quite yet, he only gulped in response, closing the door behind him and following her back to her bedroom. He picked up his pace realizing she was already back in her room. As he stepped through the doorframe, he peered in to see she was shivering and climbing underneath the blankets on her bed.

Subconsciously, his corners of his lips rose into a slight smile at the sight of the frail girl cozied up in the bed he used to lay in with her. Suddenly, the nerves began to grow inside of his body as well, being instantly reminded of their last moments in her bedroom. However, his thoughts were interrupted by a seemingly irritated Tara. "Sooo, what did you want to talk about?" She asked, she attempted to hide it, but her voice was shaking due to the anxiety rising inside of her. Jack looked down reluctantly, clearing his throat hoping it would make it easier to say the things he'd been holding inside for so long. Tara raised an eyebrow in question, waiting for the tall boy to finally respond. "Can I sit?" He asked in a low voice, forcing her mind back to the day at the cafe.

Tara looked at the boy with her mouth slightly open, not sure of the right answer to give, seeing him in front of her, back in their room where they would make jokes and enjoy each others company, she felt her mind loosen up. Maybe this is time she thought to herself, fighting a subconscious battle between her heart and her mind. "Yeah, but no shoes on the bed." She responded, her tone slightly rising as she said the last few words. Jack couldn't hold back the chuckle from leaving his lips, he always found it adorable how her voice would rise in tone when she attempted to be stern,

"Yes ma'am" Jack smiled, kicking off his shoes before sitting opposite from her on the queen sized bed. The whole time, Tara's eyes followed his every movement, as much as her mind told her to kick him out and avoid everybody, her heart told her she was making the right decision. "So let's talk, what do you have to say?" She asked attentively, holding a steady eye contact with him in an attempt of control. Jack let out a deep breath, beginning to fiddle with his fingers to keep himself calm. "So, I tried telling you before that I was sorry about the sudden turn things had made. I know it sounded like a whole lot of bullshit, but I really do mean that I'm so so so so sorry, Tara. I never meant to hurt you, I was stupid and I wasn't thinking about what was right in front of me." He spilled out, every word that came out felt like more and more weight off of his shoulders.

Tara watched him closely, trying to see if maybe his facial expressions would slip that he wasn't being as genuine as he wanted to appear, but they didn't. As he finished what he was saying, Tara's eyes finally left his, her heart felt as though it would beat out of her chest any second now. "I just- I just don't get it, Jack." She croaked, "Things were so good between us, how did it all change so fast?" Tara asked, looking back at him with tear filled eyes. She didn't want to express her vulnerability so quickly, but she needed to know why things went so south.

"Was I not enough, Jack? I thought that you liked me-"

Jack felt his heart drop beneath his feet, he hadn't even realized the depth of how his actions might've made her feel and he felt like an idiot for it. "Tara, I do like you. God I liked you from the very beginning, you are more than enough for me and I was so lucky to have had you in the way that I did and I'm so sorry for fucking that up." He admitted genuinely, not even noticing the warm tears suddenly pouring down his fair cheeks. "Then why did you do it? Did I do something wrong, I thought we were okay. What happened to us, please just tell me." She pleaded shakily, subconsciously inching closer and closer to him. Even throughout the emotional conversation they were in, having him right there expressing the feelings she so desperately needed to hear, only made her need him even more than before.

Jack looked at her with watery, red swollen eyes suddenly growing nervous from how close they suddenly were. Without giving it any thought, he cupped her face in his hands. "Tara, I know it sounds stupid and I'm not trying to justify it but I was scared. I saw how close we were getting and I was happy with it because all I wanted was to make you see how much you matter to me, I wanted to make you happy so bad, but when it happened and we were us I started to doubt myself. I'd see the stupid comments and tweets of people saying you were better off with Leo, and I started to believe them. I couldn't imagine why you would ever in a million years choose me, so I thought I was doing the right thing. I started to distance myself, and when all I would do is miss you. I looked for you in someone else. God, I feel so shitty for it because she wasn't you, she never even came close to you. I tried to convince myself that I didn't care, that I did no wrong, but it didn't work. Every single day i've gone without you has done nothing but show me how much I need you." He confessed, staring into her longing eyes, hoping and praying for the tears to stop spilling out of the beautiful face before him.

Tara blinked slowly, her face growing hot underneath his soft, warm hands. She was at a loss of words, debating whether or not she should believe the words he's spewing out so effortlessly. A million words ran through her mind as she admired each and every feature, from the way his curls fell over his pink tinted face, to the fullness of his lips that seemed to be inviting hers to come closer.

Tara was overwhelmed from the amount of emotions she was feeling, overwhelmed from trying to think of which is the right answer and which is the wrong one, tired from spending all of her hours without him by her side, tired of not being able to feel the softness of his skin, tired of being too much of a coward to finally feel his lips against hers. So, when she met his pleading eyes once again, she decides it was time for her to stop running from the inevitable. Without a chance to withdraw herself, she placed her hands behind his neck and pulled him towards her, pressing her lips softly against his. He was shocked for a split moment, but found himself melting into her kiss. Their lips moved perfectly in sync with each other, almost as if they had done it a million times before.

After a brief moment, Tara pulled away and rested her forehead against his chin. Both of them breathing heavily to regain their breath. Jack pulled her small body closer into him and held her tightly, embracing the warmth that radiated off of her, caressing her long, brown hair. Tara practically melted into him, realizing how badly she missed being in his arms.

"So, what now?"


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