033. shitty responses

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033. shitty responses

A LIGHT BREEZE CARRESSED Tara's long brown hair, she shuddered slightly from the cold, crisp, air. "I should've worn a heavier jacket," she thought, clinging to her what now felt to be a paper thin jacket. She let out a sigh of frustration, her feet picking up speed against the gray pavement. After all she's had to deal with as far as nosy journalists and boy troubles, Tara decided she needed a day to get away, even if that only meant down the road to her favorite coffee shop. She's made the six-minute walk a million times in the past two years, but even through the gusts of wind which made her body shiver, she never grew tired of the scenery. The dull sky was blanketed with grey-tinted clouds, the rays of sunshine only slightly seeping through. A small close-lipped smile grew on her face as her heavy eyes scanned the glass-fronted buildings towering beside her, she couldn't help but to feel a hint of happiness in the environment around her.

Tara began to think of her order for the day as she neared the corner building only a few feet away. Although she always ended up getting the same thing, she still pretended that maybe this day she'd try something different. As she walked through the doors into the warm shop, her mind worked against her, engulfing the girl into memories she'd only want to avoid. Tara briefly reminded herself not to think negatively, to get her snack and have a seat. Tara made her way toward the counter, "Goodmorning Jen!" She smiled, she was her favorite barista, no matter what the day was she always portrayed genuine kindness. Jen smiled brightly at Tara, "Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you in over a week where have you been?" She asked, concern lacing each word falling out her mouth. "Oh, I've been a little bit busy, but I've missed you!" Tara expressed honestly, she may not  have been close friends with the girl, but it was always comforting to see her contagious smile. "I've missed you too, friend. What can I get for you today?" Jen responded kindly. Tara scanned the menu once again, "Hm, can I have a medium iced chai please, with a chocolate chip muffin?" She asked the strawberry blonde, to which she charged her and proceeded to making her order.

After a few minute's of waiting her order was ready, so she grabbed it and walked towards a small table for two in the back are of the shop. She felt a tinge of anxiety consume her mind as she sat in the metal chair ahead of her. She hated it, but all she could think of was the last time she had came in, was with Jack. It was almost as though she could still hear his soft voice melting her heart with anything that came to mind. Get over it, Tara she thought to herself, annoyed that she struggled so badly to keep him off her mind.

Tara was so distracted by her thoughts, she didn't even notice the tall curly-haired boy walk through the glass door. That was until the voice she was just hearing her mind, spoke out loud. Out of habit, Tara's head snapped towards the voice, to which she saw him at the counter ordering something. Oh God, oh my God, she whispered to herself. Her mind raced with a million and one things as her heart felt as it was going to burst out of its chest. Of course he'd be here the day I decide to come back to MY spot , just my luck she thought to herself irritably, her foot subconsciously tapping against the hardwood floor. It wasn't until he turned back toward her that she realized she had been staring the whole time, which of course only made her even more embarrassed.

Tara looked down in attempt to hide her rose-tinted face, hoping that she'd only imagined that their eyes met and instead he didn't even notice her. "Can I sit here?" She heard him ask, almost as if it was a whisper. Hesitantly, she looked up and met his doe eyes once again. She looked up at him with her mouth slightly agape, her throat felt as though it was tightening to keep her from saying the wrong thing. However, her nerves didn't stop her from the overwhelming adoration that filled her as she saw him standing in front of her. "Uh, I guess." She forced, her eyes darting back toward the picked at muffin before her.

Jack sat down, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He gazed longingly at the girl in front of him, attempting to read what she could be thinking, but it was nearly impossible her windswept hair falling over her face. He couldn't help but wonder if choosing to sit here was a bad idea. Tension filled the bubble between them, the only noise was the low music playing over the speaker and the occasional sound of objects being moved around from the counter. Jack cleared his throat randomly, causing Tara to look up at him once again. "How are you?" He asked, fiddling with his fingers underneath the table. Unintentionally, she let out a giggle, she couldn't help but think of how ridiculous of a question that was under the circumstances. "Just peachy, you?" She  responded, sarcasm lacing her tone. Jack raised an eyebrow, "I've been good. Did you see the article they put out?" He asked, only breaking eye contact to blink. "How could I have missed it?" Tara replied, starting to feel insecure beneath his stare. The curly hair boy swallowed forcefully, growing uncomfortable within the the tension. Nervously, he began, "I'm sorry, Tara. I didn't mean-"

"Stop. I don't need your apology." She interrupted, subconsciously rolling her eyes as the words flowed out. "I tried to talk to you, to get something, no anything out of you and it didn't work."

Jack leaned more into the table, "Tara, I know I was wrong and I'm seriously sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way with you and I had no intention of starting any problems I would never purposely do that to you." He admitted pleadingly. Tara just shook her head, letting out a bitter laugh, "You would never do that to me? Well you did." She said harshly, attempting to not raise her voice too loudly in their setting. Jack sighed, opening his mouth slightly to speak, before he's interrupted again. "Why now? You hadn't wanted to talk to me all these days, but now you do? Did your girlfriend up and leave you like you did me?" Tara spat, failing to compose her herself as the anger builds up inside of her. Tara let out another laugh before Jack had the opportunity so speak again, "Actually, don't answer that, I don't care to hear your shitty responses. Have a beautiful day, Jack." Tara said bitterly, grabbing her thinks and stomping out of the building, ignoring him as he called for her to come back.

lil bit more angst , yall ok ????

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