A new Morning

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Tae's POV

"Will he be fine?"

Jeonguk asked and even in the state of near unconsciousness that I was in, I scoffed. He didn't care, the carefree tone of his voice made that obvious. He'd threaten me in the car and now was putting on act for God knows who.

"Well I've written down the required medicines as you requested. I'm sure that when he wakes up, the temperature will be considerably lower.There's no need to worry, Mr. Jeon."
A doctor, I assumed and tuned them out. Couldn't he just let me be? I'd prefer to be in this state forever than to wake up and have to face reality. A reality in which I was Jeonguk's Husband, a reality in which i had lied to my family, Worst of all, a reality in which there now i have to live wih him in this house for god knows how many days.

The thoughts made my head hurt and I felt the migraine come back with a vengeance. My head felt like it was being crushed with the weight of a thousand boulders and I couldn't hold it in any longer. A low scream left my mouth and immediately I felt someone rush into the room.

"My head..." I managed to choke out in between the spasms of pain that were now rocking my entire body.

"Here, take this. The doctor said it'd make the pain go away." jeonguk made me sit upright and noticed how disabled the pain had made me.

Jeonguk hovered above me protectively and I shivered inwardly at the size of him. He towered above me as I lay on the bed, his features masked by the lack of light in the room. I couldn't see the expression on his face; was he angry, annoyed, worried?

He made me open my mouth and set a few pills inside it and after that set a glass of water close my mouth, driving me to drink. The basic act of benevolence was all it took for my internal contemplations to come back and confounded me.

After laying me down carefully on the bed Jeonguk walked out of the room, switching off the bedside lamp as he left. The last thought that crossed my mind before the sleeping pills began to take effect was how should i perceived my life to be now? Did he really cared for me. he was worried when i had panic attack earlier he hugged me and he had his own wonderfully warm scent........


Author POV

Jeonguk closed the door from outside and placed Haa yoon on the door,

"Keep an eye on him, see if he needs something."

He gave Yoon his orders. Taking long strides, he made his way to guestroom, right opposite his, at the other end of the hallway.

He could still hear tae's painful whimpers in his head until he shut the door of the room. He took a deep breath as he glanced at his reflection in the mirror to find a man with red eyes,pale skin, furrowed eyebrows and a flaring nose.Never in his wildest dreams, he have imagined himself in this situation.At this instant ,He just wanted to kill somebody to get rid of the burning rage inside him.He went straight into his personal gym.

He went straight into his personal gym

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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