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"-- the movers came yesterday and dropped things off--"  THE middle aged man continued to catch misty up to speed with her new apartment, her attention was drifting in and out, partially because the man just droned on with the details and the fact that the tweeting birds were a joy to listen to. still, she kept a smile on her face as they walked into the apartment complex, it was nice, with its own little courtyard-- she really felt like she found a gem in sunnydale. she watched him unlock the door, the jingling of keys filled his brief silence.  "well, welcome to sunnydale, miss."  misty walked on a head of him once the door flung open, she quickly scanned over the apartment before swiftly twirling back to the man.

"thank you, walter."  she smiled, with a tilt of her head before reaching into the purse she was carrying.  "this covers the rest for your help,"  she said as she counted the wad of cash she pulled out.  "and i will be sure to have the rent in your mailbox on the first of every month.she handed it over, shaking his hand as she did so. there was a brief pause from him, misty could practically smell the nerves.  "is there anything else we must discuss? she questioned the man, hoping there wasn't, she wanted as little interaction with him as possible.

"just, wanted to make sure, there's no funny business, right?"  normally a landlord would demand that sort of thing, but he wasn't so sure.

"of course, no funny business, none what so ever."  she approached the man, and stroked his arm.  "this isn't that sort of thing, but please,"  she felt how fragile his opinion was, it was so mold-able"don't ask anymore questions."  and with that, she watched his face become much more content as a smile settled onto his face.

"well then miss, need any help moving your things in?"

* * *

she was quick to dismiss the man after that, she didn't need more work for herself to do, especially if he got a closer look at the things in her boxes. misty had already exerted herself organizing the movers, the furniture, it took quite a bit of power to convince them into offering their services and free goods. after all, she didn't have that much money. luckily enough, sunnydale seemed like the town that petty thievery would thrive in, it's not like the dead bodies need things.

misty managed to retrieve the final box from her back seat, it was bigger and fuller than the others so she was leaving it for last.  "ugh, next time we just buy more boxes."  she groaned under her breath before closing the car door with her hip. as she headed back into the complex, she felt the presence of another who was just heading in so she picked up her pace. "ah, can you hold the gate?"  she called out, hearing the clanging of metal she assumed they did.  "thank you."

"no worries, um, do you need some help? the man spoke with concern, misty managed to catch a glimpse of him as she twisted her head to meet his eyes. this was the second british accent she had heard since arriving in sunnydale, but this one was much more expected.

"oh, i got this but if you could take a few things off top that would be great."  she chuckled with relief. he gave her a slight smile before grabbing the couple of loose things on top. he obviously has something else on his mind, she thought. she began to walk ahead, leading him to her apartment.

"ah, so i assume you're the new neighbor."  misty had left the door open for ease of access, and dropped the box next to the couch not far from the door. he still waited in the door way, holding onto a chest full of jewelry and in the other hand a music box.

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